Abandon all Artichokes

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Abandon all Artichokes

Post by Phoebe »

Cute and clever game, plays quickly. Probably better with multiple people but we didn't have all our people available for the experiment. Would be a fun game for the younger kids, but ideally kids who are able to read or understand the concepts you will read them off the card.
You are given 10 artichokes: five in your hand and five in your little personal deck from which you will draw cards.
All players share a garden in which other kinds of vegetables crop up and are harvested. These vegetables have different kinds of instructions that will allow you to get rid of your artichokes and gradually replace the cards in your personal deck with other vegetables. This is your goal. Eventually you will draw a hand that has no artichokes in it and then you win.
I played it multiple times and never won and that is the difficulty of reproducing with people who might help you make children smarter than both of you. We have reached a critical point where the children are smarter than me and I can't win any games. Although there's a little bit of luck in this game, It's mainly a strategy of picking the right vegetable cards at the right time, from among the choices available to you. And because winning depends on out-strategizing your opponent I am doomed. I'm going to go to the grade school and find some people I can play with and win.
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