Love Languages

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Love Languages

Post by Phoebe »

Has anyone taken this love languages quiz to identify your love language or the love language of your partner or friend or kid, etc? This might seem like the type of quiz I normally would classify under "Bogus", along with all the personality quizzes and strengths analyses and which BTS member would you be besties with quizzes or astrology charts, which I take to be all about equally valuable or pointless.

However, even in my advanced age I find this love language quiz meaningful and useful:

It tells you something you should already know about yourself, and it's not trying to get at some hidden essence or supernatural bs, or most importantly, at things that are better evaluated by other people than by yourself. It's just you, telling yourself with greater clarity, a few things you already know about yourself on some level. The result is that you identify with greater specificity what you think you want - and then best of all, you can compare that to what other people want. This latter benefit maybe is best for those of us who are challenged to interpret other people's thoughts and feelings... Perhaps those of us who are not neurotypical in that way and to whom other people are often a black box of mystery.

So for example, I already knew that some people are huggers and some people are not, and that I'm not. It's not like a great mystery was revealed by finding out that my love language is acts of service along with words of affirmation, while all the other things that are meaningless to me are quite important to others. Some people need touch not just for the reasons I would assume, but because they genuinely don't feel as loved or secure unless you are touching them on a regular basis. It's like a cat: some of them really don't need or want you to touch them and others of them need to be in your lap once a day. So again, not terribly mysterious but helpful to put a pin in it and really think about what it means for people to need certain things to feel loved.

It's also helpful to understand why you're drawn to certain things in other people. Like when I see a person who's really good at acts of service, I'm attracted to it on a base level regardless of anything else. That's how my parents and their parents tended to express affection, although one group was also a bunch of touchers and the other group was a bunch of affirmers. So it is also helpful to see that when a person who is set up to value different things is doing those things, they are expressing their feelings of love for you in a way you might not be receiving as an expression of love. It's all quite interesting.
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