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Bucket List

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2024 6:22 pm
by Phoebe
Do you have a bucket list? If so, what sorts of things are on it and what kind of list is it - i.e. a before-I-die kind of list? Or some other parameters?

I do not have such a list formally thought out but wonder if it might not be a good idea, given the limited window we have on earth. Also the bucket would only include things ON earth, like no trip to space is needed to complete it. I wonder about the desirability of an RV and also wonder if that is one of the terrible, ill-conceived cul-de-sacs of aging.

Re: Bucket List

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2024 6:31 pm
by Mike
I don't, but my wife maintains such a list. It has all kids of things, big and small, on it. A few years ago, we were headed to the Black Hills of South Dakota for a wedding and had an afternoon to kill before others arrived. On a whim, we looked up helicopter rides, and since we didn't have the whole fam with us, it was pretty affordable. So we saw Mt. Rushmore from a tiny bubble-copter. Lisa got to cross helicopter ride off he list.

Others are trips she wants to take, unusual foods to try, Broadway plays to see. Could be anything.

Re: Bucket List

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2024 1:20 pm
by Kyle
Probably 30 years ago I started one, but I can't remember what's on it except for: visiting Mount Rushmore and climbing the Lighthouse on Nag's Head Island. I think I had other things, but I never wrote them down.

I think bucket lists are a little morbid. Instead I just like to do things I really want to do, with the understanding that those things will change over time. I don't really need to climb the lighthouse anymore. Instead, my family wants to go to a bunch of funky festivals around the state this year, which sounds awesome- so we're doing that. (We were supposed to go to the Mansfield St. Patrick's Day Pickle Parade this last weekend, but it was stormed out.)