Violent algorithms

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Violent algorithms

Post by Phoebe »

I wish I understood the technical aspect of this better but all I know is this information from the surface:
The moment you click on something that is three steps removed Kevin Bacon style from violent white supremacy, various media algorithms will start drawing you closer to it. They don't distinguish between whether it's something you accidentally put your thumb on in the car while trying to get something else, or whether it's a child using someone else's account or vice versa. My experience is limited but YouTube so far seems like the worst offender of all. The moment you get on YouTube and click on something right wing, you will be sent down a rabbit hole of crazy in the suggestions until you reach White supremacists. Very quickly. This is a constant concern for me because so many video games streamers are putting helpful tips about how to master X thing in a game on YouTube. And there's a total overlap between the audience of young boys who want to watch these hints about video games and the audience crazy white supremacists want to reach, so it's the absolute danger zone for this type of thing. I have heard my kid listening to stuff that I thought was innocent and harmless because it was about something on Roblox and yet they start creeping in elements of these theories. I don't know whether it's just a natural consequence of the gamer guys themselves being racist adjacent, or whether it's deliberate little things designed to prep and pad the way. But I don't understand why nothing is being done about this. It's an obvious problem that anybody whose kid is looking at video game s*** online has to have encountered by now. Meanwhile we've got these dingalings babbling about groomers because they don't want anyone admitting that gay people actually exist. Why isn't any of that energy going towards parents speaking up about this issue? I honestly have to constantly monitor what my kid is doing on the internet because of this.
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