Streaming is amazing

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Streaming is amazing

Post by Kyle »

Look- I'm paying as much now for internet and all my streaming channels as I was for cable. And while I used to gripe about that, I've decided that it's okay. Because, you know what? Televised content on demand is pretty freaking great.

The only thing I watch on live TV now-- which by the way is streamed to me-- is: (1) local news in the morning while I drink a cup of coffee and read the Post on my ipad (and I'm really just interested in the weather forecast; and (2) NFL football. And honestly, if I stopped watching the NFL I'd probably be okay.

But I still consume a lot of TV time because we are constantly streaming things on Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, Disney or HBO. And don't get me started on Youtube. Hell, Youtube is probably 50% of the content streamed in my house.

And I'm not even considering all the TikTok that my kids watch on their phones.

We're not just living in a golden age of TV. We're also living in a golden age of how we consume that TV. And I'm actually worried that it's unsustainable and these content factories are eventually going to run the well dry on cannibalizing our nostalgia-shows and run out of money to create new content. But I suppose we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.
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