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Servers Suck!

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2021 2:45 pm
by Tahlvin
Computer servers, not servers at restaurants.

The server I had for my home business had a breakdown. It did a Windows update and wasn't able to reboot afterwards for some reason. I replaced the harddrive a few years ago, switching from an actual drive to SSD, so I was able to go back to the original harddrive and boot from that, and I should be able to copy things off the data partition of the SSD, but it's a general pain in the ass. And to really fix the issue, I would need to get into the system settings of the server, but there's an issue where I won't be able to do that without spending $700+ or so to replace the motherboard of the server, since it seems the intelligent provisioning settings on the server somehow ended up getting hosed.

I bought a new microserver, with the plan being to set it up initially as a backup to the original server, then promote it and demote the original server. However, the new server has 4 drive bays, and they sent me 4 SSD drives with it, but each time I start it up, it only recognizes 2 or so of the drives. Which ones are recognized varies with each reboot, even if I never even touch the actual server. After spending half a day on the phone with tech support, they have no idea if it's a problem with the drive bays on the server or if it's a problem with the SSD drives themselves, or them not being compatible with the server. So right now, I have one old server that's limping along, and a new server that's so unreliable that I can only use it as a very big paper weight.

Re: Servers Suck!

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2021 2:47 pm
by Phoebe
Even though your post is written in a foreign language I recognize it as the same language my husband speaks to reach the same conclusions. We apparently have a complex system of home servers and similar pain was required to make it functional.

Re: Servers Suck!

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2021 7:45 am
by Mando
and here I thought it was someone complaining about a dining experience.