Texas Vigilante Act

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Texas Vigilante Act

Post by Phoebe »

If this is behind a paywall, Frum's thesis here is that Republicans may have been able to use their dominance in Texas and outsized status as a minority party generally to achieve the destruction of Roe v Wade in one state and several others now likely to follow, but the electorate might make them regret it because it's a very different electorate on the abortion issue than it was before. You also have to be in your 60s to remember what it was like when abortion was illegal, and people are now going to get some real learning experiences they've never truly confronted before. Abortion doesn't stop just because they passed a law. I think and also hope that Frum is correct about voters, not because I like abortions but because people making these laws are mean, nasty monsters and the laws are terrible accordingly, and because squelching these people is necessary to protect democracy in general at the moment. What kind of b******* is it to pay people to rat out those they suspect of having a secret abortion or a miscarriage that wasn't really accidental? It lets us know how hypocritical Republicans have been on this issue. They're much more excited about punishing people for it than they are about ensuring it doesn't happen. Saving the babies is not really the point here.

https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archi ... aign=share
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Re: Texas Vigilante Act

Post by Kyle »

I read this article earlier and thought it was well thought out.

I've said forever that the last thing Republicans really want is to have abortion outlawed (or effectively outlawed as it is in Texas). This bill got my wife, her friends and some other women-- women who voted for Trump-- to march and protest it back when it was first introduced in the summer. That should be a warning sign to Republicans.

The smart move for them would be to always fight the fight and pick less-consequential limits around the edges, but never actually move to outlaw it. That way you can still mobilize your religious base without mobilizing the opposition. But this isn't our parent's republican party. This is Trump's party. And they can't play smart. Everything is a nail and it needs to be smashed with a sledgehammer. Otherwise, your enemies will not respect you.
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Re: Texas Vigilante Act

Post by Phoebe »

I just heard they also passed some type of anti-moderation on social media law. People from Texas should try to get Mike to weigh in with the heavy hand of moderation on their posts and then... Wait a minute, we don't want to sue Mike. How do we get this law to work for grifting purposes?
I love the whole philosophy: people to whom you make a platform available must have unfettered free speech, but you who made the platform? You have none. You are the servant to your users.
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