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Charlie Jane Anders

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2021 12:09 pm
by Kyle
So I'm reading a sci-fi epic by Charlie Jane Anders right now, The City in the Middle of Night. I'm a big fan of hers from some short stories I've read (I think in Drowned Worlds?) and her novel All the Birds in the Sky-- which was amazing. So I decided to look her up and see if there was a way to contact her to thank her for the book when I finish it (I always try to do that after I finish any book I really like, unless it's by a huge, popular author like Stephen King).

As I do, I started at her wikipedia page to see if there's a link to a personal website or blog. I discovered there that she's trans- which isn't a big deal, but I thought it was pretty cool that I've been a fan of hers for a couple of years and didn't even know she's trans. I think that says a lot about how far our society has come in trans-acceptance (even though there's miles to go) that it's not something that's used to define her-- meaning, I've not seeing anything that says, "Trans-author Charlie Jane Anders..."

But here's the really cool part, I ALSO discovered that she's been partners with Analee Newitz since 2000. I'm ALSO a huge fan of Analee Newitz and have been from when she was the editor in chief of i09. I've always followed her online articles and am such a big fan that I even get her newsletter by email. Do you know how many newsletters I subscribe to? One. Hers. And then I find out that she's partners with one of my favorite new authors? What the what?

Okay, that's all. I just thought it was cool.

Re: Charlie Jane Anders

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2021 12:24 pm
by Mike
I need to start a list of books and authors I want to get to.

Re: Charlie Jane Anders

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2021 1:31 pm
by Stan
I've read only All the Birds in the Sky so Far, which was great. Newitz wrote Four Lost Cities, which I have but haven't started.

I noticed both of them when browsing IO9. I remember Anders most for Dr. Who commentary and Newitz for corvid articles.

Re: Charlie Jane Anders

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2021 11:41 am
by Phoebe
I bet my teenager would like these books! I feel like I have read something else by at least one of these people before but I can't remember what it was.