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Season 1 original Trek

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2021 9:26 pm
by Phoebe
We are rewatching it in order and it's very interesting. I have nothing to say that you haven't heard before - crew boldly ventures into space yet learns semi-profound lessons about humanity, with mod fashion, some truly genius ideas, and some tragic special effects. However, it's filling in a lot of gaps in lore and history for me, and many fascinating details surface. Spock refers to himself most often as Vulcanian, and his use of the nerve pinch is swift and graceful, often humorous. I never quite understood the thing with Ricardo Montalban because I was too young when I first saw it to pick up on different literary and historical references, and at the same age I knew him first and foremost as Mr. Roarke. Amusingly, Khan emerges from the world wars of the 1990s as various genetically engineered strongmen attempt to seize power. (Reminds of 2020 in multiple countries though heaven knows the engineering left something to be desired if today's examples count.)
But he is not a pure version of Genghis Khan (well, we knew that because he did not prevail and was clumsy in the attempt, but still), and his pitfall is overestimating his own strength, after which Kirk bonks him Silently with an improvised bonking stick from the control panel. It's full stage theatre yet the opposite of slick cinematic violence we are used to today, and the fact that the weapon makes no dramatic noise as Khan is subdued was inexplicably delightful to me. Like, this is what actually happens when you need to use an improvised weapon that goes pfff when it hits!
The fact that the chick goes off to exile with Khan afterward is so wacky - his virulence cannot be thwarted even if his ambition to rule must be.

Many episodes have dealt profoundly with what it means to be free, whether we have good reasons to value what we do, or believe certain actions are right.
The show used to seem so cheesy and sexist even though I enjoyed it, and now I barely notice that stuff and find it compares incredibly well to contemporary shows. William Shatner is also freaking hilarious - I didn't appreciate him when I was younger and now I find him so amusing, it really helps overall. Scotty remains my favorite, though.

Re: Season 1 original Trek

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2021 8:21 am
by Phoebe
Anybody want to watch season 2 or 3 trek in much the way that Kyle is proposing to watch fast and furious in sequence?
We just watched the episode on a taste of Armageddon, where are the two societies fight via computer and go into the disintegration chambers, and then the one with the flowers shooting pollen and Spock having his glimpse of "love".

I remember seeing these things at an age that I just wasn't able to appreciate the depth of the writing - you get distracted by the fact that the flower props are RIDICULOUS and the armageddon guards have strange pointy hats and two-tone overall jumpsuits, looking like they come from the land of Oz, while Blonde Ladyfriend is wearing a type of modified sari cloth with no clothes underneath. Then they have these cheesy computers to destroy that the average high school play surpasses in its set production.

But the writing is absolutely amazing, and so is the acting. Even the over the top acting - it's perfrct. I can't say enough good about William Shatner, honestly. I wasn't ready for the goodness of this show before; life has finally culminated in this pinnacle of potential for appreciation. Now I would say original Trek rates much more highly than some of the recents - it's about a bazillion times better than Enterprise, million times better than Picard, and in my personal opinion far more interesting and profound than deep space nine, which for some reason I just could never get into.

Anyway, the writers are incredible.