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Re: Happy Birthdays!

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2022 11:58 am
by Phoebe
Happy birthday! Enjoy the feeling of decay and decrepitude! Beat it back with restorative food and drink!

Re: Happy Birthdays!

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2022 4:06 pm
by poorpete
LOL, as a creep once said, age is nuthin but a numb-- ah screw that guy.

I temper any issue that I am a new number (42) by reminding myself that I'm actually completing that number (42). Today I completed a full scorecard of days for the nth time (42). Tomorrow starts the beginning of the new year of the pete (43). That's right, remember, Betty White lived 100 years, most days of the year lived 100 times, she just didn't complete all days 100 times.

So anyways, this is me thinking positively (unsure if I should end that with a period or question mark)