Knife Usage

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Knife Usage

Post by Phoebe »

What happens when a person uses different kinds of knives or utensils to cut on different kinds of surfaces?
For example, here are some types of knives or utensils: Serrated Steak Knife, small paring knife, large standard place setting knife, butter server, fork (tines horizontal or vertical for different modes of separating foods), sides or tips of spoons, metal chopsticks.
Here are two kinds of surface on which these might be used: stoneware plate, porcelain plate (regular or bone china).

What combinations of the above utensils and surfaces might produce the following POSSIBLE eventualities for plates:
1) light grayish marks trailing across the surface
2) small non-colored feathery lines going across the surface
3) cuts that penetrate the surface of the ceramic or stoneware plate

Assume the utensils are used normally and not, say, with great vigor or force. Example: stainless steel utensils of any kind will leave little light gray streaks here and there upon stoneware plates, which may be rubbed and polished off with something like Bon Ami or Barkeeper's Friend, etc.
Suppose you wanted to achieve #3 - how would you try to do it, were it being done on purpose?
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Re: Knife Usage

Post by bralbovsky »

The grayish marks are something more than color (as might be left by a heavy box that rubs a wall, or a hard pencil) and microscoring. Persistently, this can mar the plate, but getting the identical line repeated is unlikely.
The feathering is subsurface damage, to the point where moisture gets in, and the layers of the ceramic are barely disintegrating and separating. Eventually, you'll make a chip, like a tooth with the enamel worn off.

Cutting tile or ceramic with any regularity or purposefulness requires...regularity and purpose. A dremel or engraver might be able to artistically stress the surface without damaging the structure, but keep in mind that the molecular lattice is fussy. It depends on those laminations for strength and solidity. In order to etch something (after something has been glazed), you have to penetrate the glaze (while avoiding fracture) and decide how far into the substrate you would like to mark. After you have carved your initials, or whatever, you can let nature discolor it, or fill it in with something like nail polish or other surface replacement to prevent the natural degradation. Otherwise it will attract dirt.
Cutting tile requires water in order to cool the surface so the structure doesn't react globally and shatter, to clear away the grit which would interfere with the precision of the cut. It also helps soften, dampen vibration, sort of lubricate, etc...I've already gone on too long.
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Re: Knife Usage

Post by Phoebe »

No I think you have amply demonstrated the point that my cutting things on plate with a butter knife does not cause gray marks to appear on the plate or the surface of the plate to be sliced into and damaged. The detail you have offered is quite helpful indeed for understanding the various choices and options for something I'm going to do with my damaged plates.
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Re: Knife Usage

Post by bralbovsky »

If this is defense for not grabbing a cutting board every time, I have lived this discussion. I'm happy to help.
Lines that endanger my relationship but rescue my sanity.....
"I'm glad you think the heirloom value of this plate is worth more than the fraction of my life and attention it would save."
"I'm flattered that you think I'm strong enough to wound this glaze with this dull blade."
"Would you grab me down a cutting board? Oh, not worth your time either?? I see..."

Submitted for amusement only
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Re: Knife Usage

Post by Phoebe »

"I'm flattered that you think I'm strong enough to wound this glaze with this dull blade."

Lolllllllll, Dead.

"Would you grab me down a cutting board? Oh, not worth your time either?? I see..."

Dead and fully gone! 🤣🤣🤣

I have been up and down the roller coaster of "that's it, you all fend for yourselves and I'm moving back in with my mom!" about six times this week. So far have not done it so that's a positive sign. I am so pissed off. I love my family members but the level of disregard and disrespect for mom is fairly high recently. If my husband brings foods to which I am allergic into this house again, what will I do? I wanted him to vacuum the rug after the last incident and will give one guess as to whether that happened. I just would NEVER do this if the tables were turned. I cannot fathom it. I fold this man's underwear. I just... I have no words for how disrespectful it feels to me.
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Re: Knife Usage

Post by Phoebe »

Now my daughter has brought home Indian food that obviously was made with cashews, because now that she has heated it up the delightful smell of warm cashews is saturating my kitchen. To be fair she wouldn't have the first clue about it, but she is just as willing as the other one to eat a little bag of nuts and leave the remnants scattered around. She also ruined two loads of laundry today by removing a still-wet load from the dryer after it had only been going for a few minutes and dumping it on top of the already dry clean clothes that were in the laundry bin below it, so that both became partially damp and ruined. I know this seems like ridiculous thing to complain about but when something like this happens every day and you just fall further and further behind, it becomes exhausting. I'm tired in the heart. Totally disrespected here at all times, which becomes challenging to accept in good cheer. Line-drawing: If anyone uses the toilet audibly next to my zoom session in progress, even one more time, or half of a time, I'm not responsible for anything that may follow.
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Re: Knife Usage

Post by Mike »

None of that is petty or silly. My problem with things like that is that I realize the solution is to make the culprit rectify the situation, but I also recognize that getting a teenager to correctly redo two full loads of laundry is going to require a considerable amount of physical and mental energy from me. AND even if they do it all themselves, I'm still two loads behind. It'll get done, but I know it would be way faster if I did it myself, and I have to get over that. It's just exhausting sometimes.
Any time the solution is "banjo rifle", I'm in 100%.
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Re: Knife Usage

Post by bralbovsky »

Loved having teenagers, but by then I was a trained professional.
This is dorm living...the whole laundry thing.
The whole bathroom thing. (If you have another bathroom, barricade or lock the audible one during calls. No negotiation.)

But yes, very often happiness is about having your boundaries respected. A declared, public strike (or escape from the house if possible) might be in order. Decide what your employment demands are. State them. Negotiate. Be willing to walk away from negotiations. All easier said than done, but mending your emotional fences on a constant cycle of disregard and trampling is not sustainable. The tangled barbed wire of resentment is unhealthy, cancerous, and extremely resistant to treatment. (Even sincere remediation feels patronizing...not an upgrade)

Have a sit down with your SO first. Cry if inevitable, but don't surrender.
Non-negotiable is to have a unified management team when the lower level employees get the news about the rules.
Keep open the possibility of strike. A trip to a hotel, Mom's, a friend's... At least one place in NY you could hide. It can be done staycation style, but that's trickier
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Re: Knife Usage

Post by Phoebe »

I think it is good to have a few boundaries. I'm in need of some boundaries. Having a couple quiet days mostly alone has been important for mental quiet as well. Some of us like a great deal of mental quiet.

In the meantime, all the months spent sitting around during the pandemic were supposed to yield tremendous opportunities for drinking, yet this did not materialize because there's always something for which one has to be responsible and fully present. Kids were not going to the grandparent babysitters whilst parents attended the work banquet with open bar. People did not come to stay for the weekend and compel us to sit up drinking. So there has been precious little drinking, and tonight I plan to test the theory that we don't allllllways need Mom to be sober. It should take me about 10 oz of white wine because I have zero alcohol tolerance at this point.
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Re: Knife Usage

Post by bralbovsky »

Hope you had your mini bender

Ya, boundaries...actually it's not the boundaries that matter, it's the consequences.
Is there a refuge near or in the house? I'd begin your line drawing at the cashews. That's sort of life and death. They come into the house, grab the keys and go. "Mom, where to? " "I'm driving myself to the hospital to resupply my epipens. See ya later maybe."

If your kid was allergic to peanuts, what kind of a cop would you have been about it? Exactly.
And ya, I know it's just how things are, but the attitude and pattern doesn't stop when they leave your house. Do it for them.
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Re: Knife Usage

Post by Phoebe »

That is a good point: I don't want the younger ones to learn that tolerating things like this is acceptable. I would NOT want them treated this way. I am going to put it in these terms to the other adult and see if that penetrates at all; the teenager is at peak teenager irrationality (I hope this is a peak!) so pointless to discuss. It wouldn't even occur to her until after the fact.
Ok I successfully discussed the nut boundaries. It wasn't initially smooth sailing due to the lawyering one has to get past, but at least verbal promises and apologies were made. Not being cynical here but I give it like 8-12 months for expected recurrence. That's good, ok. Done. The pandemic living has changed me; I don't want to rejoin society and have to wear pants and stuff. I do not wish to eat in a restaurant. I'm tired.
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