Tracking ur Macros

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Tracking ur Macros

Post by Phoebe »

Does anyone do this?
It feels both like I've gone to crazytown and that insight is achieved.
I can handle doing the CrossFit and it's the only thing that works for me, seriously, which is unfortunate because it's also torture. But now they're like, for Real Results TM you need to track those macros. Your food medicine isn't enough to fuel your workout medicine.

Ok, I downloaded the app, I entered foods. My macros are effed. They're opposite what is demanded of me. I'm to eat, you know, fish and quinoa on a bed of spinach all day. This is also what the professional nutritionist says by the way, I don't just trust these people but it turns out they know. And that's fine except that nobody else here is going to eat that. So whenever I'm living a busy work week or doing a lot of things with others, not just sitting around the house cooking for myself, I cannot achieve anything like these macros.

Also I've discovered that I eat dairy products like my ancestors are from a Swiss mountaintop where they have a cow but only green that grows besides grass is a dandelion, or a hill in Poland where the only thing the aristocrats aren't stealing is a week old cabbage. And these things are true. I could eat just dairy products with a little bit of carb for support. But literally cheese does not appear anywhere on my list of approved foods. No form of cheese. Yogurt appears, along with enough milk to make coffee potable, but that's it. Where is the ice cream? Even the potato is okay sometimes. I mean, I wouldn't accept this at all if the potato was forbidden. But there isn't a provision for chips and salsa with cheese, or a slab of calzone filled with mozzarella. What is this even. I used to think you are what you eat and that's why I was a potato, for all practical appearances and purposes. But I'm starting to realize I'm not even a potato - I'm a cheese. A cheese topped with some ice cream. I'd like to think I'm a fancy cheese like a boursin with shallots. Maybe I'm a whole stack of those little cheeses with crackers raining down as hair.
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Re: Tracking ur Macros

Post by Mike »

I don't know what macro means here. I mean, I'm gathering from context that this is nutrition related... macro-nutrients?... macro-biotics? Either way, it's too much for me right now. I'm just happy when I feel like my portions aren't out of control.
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Re: Tracking ur Macros

Post by Phoebe »

Roughly speaking it's tracking the proportion of fats, carbs and protein you're eating. And then there's a more detailed tracking of the sources of the carbs.

So in my case the proportion of fats to protein is wildly imbalanced because I am a lover of dairy products and I'm supposed to be eating about twice as much protein as I am.
Luckily my carb situation is good because I have forced myself to get all my carbs from the good kind of vegetables. I discovered my real weakness in this area is corn tortilla chips and salsa. You're thinking about white carbs like refined sugars and pastas and breads... But for me it was corn tortilla chips and salsa. And fundamentally it's the same kind of fuel for your body that a broccoli is, so you could be eating the broccoli with the salsa instead. My meals are now pretty much a pile of vegetables with protein.

I think a lot of people do this but it's definitely a CrossFit thing as well and unfortunately for me the most effective possible fitness program out there for me is CrossFit. When I'm not on CrossFit I assume the form of a smooth red potato. The medicine is extremely unpleasant sometimes but it's good medicine, and thank God I love lifting weights so that part of it is always pleasant.
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