How are your knees?

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How are your knees?

Post by Kyle »

So I'm 51. I've come to discover that when you hit your 50s, your knees just aren't like they were when you were 20. Still can't do squats reliably. Like for real. There's a 50/50 chance that if I try to do a full squat, on the way back up my knees will just cease working.
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Re: How are your knees?

Post by Mike »

My knees are slow, but generally reliable. My main problem is that if I do squatting of any kind, I'm liable to over stretch my plantar fascia, and then my foot's going to hurt for the next three days.

And I would like to note how impressed I am the speech to text recognized plantar fascia and I didn't have to respell it.
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Re: How are your knees?

Post by Akiva »

My knees are terrible. Stairs are painful, and bending down low is insanely painful.
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Re: How are your knees?

Post by Phoebe »

The knees are spectacular with one glaring exception: I have bursitis in one of the little sacs and it is like being stabbed loosely with a steak knife. I would recommend not choosing bursitis and instead doing a lot of tai chi if your knees hurt.
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Re: How are your knees?

Post by Tahlvin »

I exercise, run, and stretch regularly, so my knees are okay. I have a tendency to get some pain in the tendons at the side of the knee during some of my leg workouts, but subtle adjustments to the positioning of the knee usually fix that. The thing that's been bothering me recently seems to be bursitis-like condition with my left heel/Achilles tendon, but icing it after running long distances and frequent stretching seems to be keeping that in check.
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Re: How are your knees?

Post by Phoebe »

These little sacs getting weaker with age - very annoying! They should be like a lime left on the counter, nice and firm, no extra liquid.
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