Will I do a 10k?

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Will I do a 10k?

Post by Kyle »

On June 5 of this year my youngest son challenged me to lose all my pandemic weight before our cruise two weeks ago. I weighed in at my all time high of 330 pounds. My goal was to get to 285, which was the weight limit on the ships water slides. Two weeks before the cruise, I was at 290.6 when we tragically discovered that we'd been looking at the wrong ship and that the weight limit was 265 on our ship. Boo. So I went on the cruise, gained five pounds, lost that in a few days after being back and now I'm at my new recent low of 289.0. I haven't been this light since January of 2021. My secret was just to eat far less than I was without restricting the types of food I eat, and try to be more active. That's right- eat less; exercise more. And it's worked!

Before going on the cruise I decided that when I got back, I'd change my health focus. I'm still going to maintain the diet, but a few months ago I signed up for the Cap City 10k next March, which is the biggest running even in Austin. My goal is to finish while the finish line is still up- which means under 2 hours. That's pretty obtainable. It just means doing it in a 3.1 to 3.2 mph pace, which I can do. But I want to see how much I can beat that by. So while I've lost 41 pounds in the last 4.5 months primarily through diet, now I want to focus on the exercise portion of that while still maintaining the diet. Lots of walking on the treadmill and outside (now that the Texas weather is bearable). I don't think my knees can take jogging, but they can take fast walking.

After the Cap City 10k, my next goal will be able to strengthen my knees to be able to do squats again as an exercise. Wish me luck!
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Re: Will I do a 10k?

Post by Phoebe »

That's exciting! You totally can do a 10K. I think you're right to focus on knees and other such spots (ankles, hips) that can be injury points for the seasoned individual undertaking more intense exercise. Soon you will be squatting all the time.
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Re: Will I do a 10k?

Post by Tahlvin »

Good luck! Take it easy to start, and slowly build up in intensity and distance, and you should do fine. If/when injuries happen, ease off and give your body time to recover.
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