Neighborhood Logic

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Neighborhood Logic

Post by Phoebe »

I cannot subject myself to reading social media from the local area. Cannot, must not. But it bubbles through from time to time and my self-mastery is not great enough to wipe it from my mind. This is the situation:

If someone parks a car or puts lawn and garden items on their own driveway for more than a week, it is important to call the police and enforce the rules on the person. They will have to get rid of the car/items, pay to license differently, or otherwise suffer some negative consequence, but without rules, what is a civilized society? But if the landlord or property owner says that it is a rule not to fly flags off your balcony, that's communism and no one should comply. If you want to put a flag on your curb and let it drag in the mud, however, that is patriotism, and you should feel free to plant those flags in anyone's yard as well. If your dog is outside on the deck by his own free choice and it is hotter than 85 degrees, then you should be forcibly dipped into a vat of hot lava so you can understand how the dog feels and do better. However, if someone rings your doorbell or knocks on the door and you aren't expecting their presence and do not want them present, you should grab your gun and be ready. If the person attempts to knock on your door by opening the screen door, this is not just a party foul but in fact is license for the homeowner to kill them. Rules are complicated here!

I remember having this ongoing debate with my husband about when it is acceptable to shoot an intruder. His argument was that unless they're threatening you directly with a deadly weapon, you cannot do it! And legally he may be correct. But my argument was that if I'm alone/with the kids and a person invades the home and will not retreat, the person is already a deadly threat to me and I have to assume they will do me violence. If they run away or back off, fine - people can be drunk, in the wrong house, burglarizing in what they thought was an unoccupied home, etc and I don't want to kill them. But if someone's coming in and not leaving when I tell them to? Yes, I feel justified in using force! My neighbors, by contrast, will not wait this long and expect to immediately kill whoever, whenever they appear outside the house.
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Re: Neighborhood Logic

Post by Kyle »

Two points:

One: Maybe you shouldn't have a gun in your house. It sounds like a recipe for shooting a kid's boy/girlfriend who snuck in the house and is drunk/scared.

Two: DO YOU KNOW HOW HOT IT IS FOR THE DOGS?!?! I'm readying my volcano to dip you in.
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Re: Neighborhood Logic

Post by Phoebe »

Come for me if you want but just know, if u wear a hoodie or park on the street the neighbors will be readying their weaponry and calling 911! If you sit in your car while parked it will be even worse! Be sure to bring unleashed dogs with you.
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Re: Neighborhood Logic

Post by Kyle »

Wait. If you’ve parked the car, why are you still sitting in it? Unless you’re waiting for your drug dealer to show up?
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Re: Neighborhood Logic

Post by Phoebe »

Parking completely legally on the street across from someone's driveway in order to drive them mad. After three fruitless efforts to call the police and a tow truck, they'll give up and sell me their house for a deal. Yes, they'll probably smash the car window first but great investment properties don't come around for free.
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Re: Neighborhood Logic

Post by Phoebe »

So for a couple years now, scares will suddenly crop up on social media, particularly local groups on Facebook or next door or whatever, about human trafficking. Your acquaintances will message you about this, your great aunt will email you to make sure you are aware! It starts with a story about how somebody was approached in a parking lot by either a nice lady who was accompanied by scary looking guys, or maybe just the guys themselves. The targeted woman always got away and certainly would have been hauled off in a van or trunk had she not fled from her potential captors. This leads to a bunch of other people saying that it certainly happened and they know somebody who knows somebody to whom this happened, blah blah blah. In short, human traffickers are everywhere and especially in the parking lot of your local big box store trying to kidnap you or your children.

Meanwhile, human trafficking is in fact going on and usually involves migrant children or young women, or people who are being forced into prostitution by their drug dealer or gang member or somebody they already know, kids who have run away from a violent home, etc. Almost never is the victim kidnapped out of the sheer blue sky at the local grocery store.

Inevitably a few people point out that the latest iteration of the social media story is probably a hoax, but many people push back insistent that these kidnappings are happening all over the place even though we don't see it on the news, and human traffickers are lurking everywhere to capture the unsuspecting. I wondered about why these stories proliferated so much but had no answers. Now the pieces are starting to fall into place: The human traffickers from suspicious foreign locales are *not* trafficking migrants into the US and forcing them into wage slavery or prostitution - even though that's actually what happens! - but instead they are coming to steal your children and sell them to a network of global elites. Hillary Clinton is somehow connected to this evil network. The LGBT agenda is somehow connected to it. Joe Biden's suddenly and magically porous borders are connected to this, even though Trump promised to build that wall and surely did build it.

This is why the elites do not want you to see the new movie revealing the truth. Even though the movie is playing at major theaters and raking in the big bucks, It is in fact being censored and silenced. In the midsummer heat, The theater owners do not wish to reap your dollars and sell you concessions; rather, they wish to drive you from the theater after selling you the ticket by making the temperature in the room too hot or too cold for your comfort. This is all part of the plot. I honestly fear for the future of our country because just when you think people have gone all the way over the cliff into la la Land, It turns out there is further to fall.

Back to the local news: now amidst all this excitement about the movie and the elites and the trafficking, a new phenomenon is springing up. Anytime crime is reported in the local area, people will try to connect it to this global network of evil and child thievery. Complete lies are fabricated - for example, that a person who attempted to kidnap someone at the mall with a weapon (surely one of the traffickers) was released by a judge who was probably part of the secret network. Never mind the actual facts that the judge is a staunch lifelong conservative who just set a large sum of bail on a person who is certainly still in jail now. Facts are not important here. The person has been released and is out there terrorizing the community still because there is no escape from constant crime. The only solution is for all of us to go out strapped with multiple guns. I swear to God, I don't know where this is leading but somebody who has sway with this group of people really needs to step up and find their moral compass and start doing the right thing to peel them away from madness.
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