Happy Thanksgiving

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Happy Thanksgiving

Post by Phoebe »

My husband informs me that some Native Americans are taking to calling it Thankstaking, lol! Well I'm grateful for the taking, thanks! We do live on a particular small piece of land that was known as a Indian encampment even for many years after nearby spaces were settled for a long time. So I should be thankful there's a house here, yeah.
But I never really think of the holiday as relevant to those origins? The whole pilgrims sharing a meal thing always seemed very grade school and on the level of making a turkey out of your hand to be colored in. So it had little purchase.
In our family it's generally treated as an event where you do go around and talk about the things you're thankful for and things you're hoping for the next year. So I'm all for this contemporary version of the holiday and definitely for a holiday focused on foods. The food cooking is happening. There is some cooking going on. At my advanced age I am still a beginner in the deeper arts of the family cooking tradition, and thus this is my first time making a turkey with real stuffing. I've made the stuffing separately and the turkey separately, but this is the first time putting it all together. It's so much harder than it seems to achieve the kind of results the grandmothers could achieve. I'm very proud of my standing rib roast and other Christmas roasts but I am an ignorant novice in the ways of the turkey.
Hope all of you are having a pleasant holiday; I will be crock-potting about a thousand potatoes now.
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Re: Happy Thanksgiving

Post by Eliahad »

Happy Thanksgiving, Phoebe! It is my understanding that originally had nothing to do with Colonialism. That came later. Because.

The theaters around here start every production honoring the indigenous people who originally lived here. It's a nice gesture. Also, at the last Sphere concert we played an awesome contemporary piece written by a citizen of the Chickasaw Nation. Things are starting, slowly, to change.
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