Live the Kyle Way™

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Live the Kyle Way™

Post by Kyle »

In my 48 years on this world, I've learned some things. This is just a thread for some observations I've made that I think can help people. For instance, on the first iteration of this thread I said: "Wash yourself daily, scrubbing from the top of your head to your knees. Don't bother with your feet. But give them a good scrubbing at least once a week." I want to modify that to say that you should wash to your ankles every day. A small difference, but there can be things that get caught in the top of socks. You should scrub there daily. That's the Kyle Way™
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Re: Live the Kyle Way™

Post by Kyle »

If it chafes, powder it. You're never gong to build up natural callouses there and gold bond is cheap. Don't punish yourself unnecessarily. That's the Kyle Way™.
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Re: Live the Kyle Way™

Post by Kyle »

Remember that if someone didn't seek out your advice, you won't change their minds about something by giving it. That's not to say you shouldn't, but you should be honest with yourself about why you're giving it. If it's for selfish or resentful reasons, then don't give it. That's the Kyle Way™.
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Re: Live the Kyle Way™

Post by Kyle »

Always be mindful that someone's religious or non-religious beliefs are just that: beliefs. It doesn't make you superior to someone else that you like grape jelly on your sandwich and they prefer strawberry. The same is true of religion. That's the Kyle Way™.
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Re: Live the Kyle Way™

Post by Kyle »

When buying tires, do it online and prepay for the tires you want (preferably the cheaper variety). That way when you get to the tire shop, they don't bother trying to upsell you on anything because you've already paid. That's the Kyle Way™.
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Re: Live the Kyle Way™

Post by Phoebe »

Do Costco tires count? They only have one kind of tires I could use so I hope that it counts!
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Re: Live the Kyle Way™

Post by Kyle »

Phoebe wrote: Thu Jan 07, 2021 11:58 am Do Costco tires count? They only have one kind of tires I could use so I hope that it counts!
You do what’s right for your situation. I prefer Discount Tire because I can buy the cheap tires, which are then shipped to the shop within a couple days. It gives me a broad selection so I can get the best price.
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Re: Live the Kyle Way™

Post by Phoebe »

Well this is the question:
Is the essence of the Kyle way to pick out something because it was best and then not allow anyone to divert you from it through salesmanship?
or is it to save time and some money by going to a place that only gives you one choice and then can't upsell you because there is no other thing?
It is a perplexing dilemma I tell you. And when we reflect on the wide applicability of these methods to other situations, I think you will see how crucial this one is!
I also want to know if I should let my husband buy me a car after giving general parameters, or if I should do through all the details and try to find the specific one I want?
And if I find the kind of car I want, and it has multiple purchase options, do I pick one out online that seems to be the best deal, and then follow the Kyle advice by not letting anyone upsell me or give me a bad price?
or do I pick the car that is special but there's only one of it and so there's no risk of upselling or changing my mind because there's just that one car of it's kind?
REAL LIFE question!!!
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Re: Live the Kyle Way™

Post by Kyle »

Phoebe wrote: Thu Jan 07, 2021 12:09 pm Well this is the question:
Is the essence of the Kyle way to pick out something because it was best and then not allow anyone to divert you from it through salesmanship?
or is it to save time and some money by going to a place that only gives you one choice and then can't upsell you because there is no other thing?
It is a perplexing dilemma I tell you. And when we reflect on the wide applicability of these methods to other situations, I think you will see how crucial this one is!
My advice is to shop both online to see which has the best price. If Costco's single-choice tire is the best, then either pay online or go in person- it doesn't matter. If Discount Tire is cheaper, then buy online and drop your car off when the tires are in. The goals of Best Price and No Upselling aren't mutually exclusive. You can have the best of both worlds.
I also want to know if I should let my husband buy me a car after giving general parameters, or if I should do through all the details and try to find the specific one I want?
This is a personal preference with relies, in large part, about whether you are particular in your choices and may regret (and maybe even be resentful of your husband) when certain aspects of the car aren't exactly what you want and begin to bother you. If so, then you may not want to do that. If you're like my wife, and those types of things don't bug you and are "water off the duck's back," then go for it- it's easier for you.
And if I find the kind of car I want, and it has multiple purchase options, do I pick one out online that seems to be the best deal, and then follow the Kyle advice by not letting anyone upsell me or give me a bad price?
or do I pick the car that is special but there's only one of it and so there's no risk of upselling or changing my mind because there's just that one car of it's kind?
REAL LIFE question!!!
This is an excellent question. With car dealers competing online, I advise never going to the dealer to negotiate your purchase. Unless you live in a far removed, remote area, you will be able to find competing dealers in your area with the same model/outfit of vehicle. Contact each through the internet and tell them you're interested and want their best price. Then play them off each other until you get to the lowest price. Then agree to that price on the phone. When you get into the dealer, the negotiation is over. It's just a matter of signing the paperwork and driving off. This does get complicated if you have a trade-in, but I still recommend following this advice and then either negotiating your trade in at the dealer or you consider selling it yourself.
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Re: Live the Kyle Way™

Post by Phoebe »

It would be magical if someone wanted to pay more than ten bucks and a free coupon to the casino for my trade in vehicle, so we should consider that. Buying local has some benefits even if other major drawbacks. I will ponder all of this wisdom closely. I don't much care which car I get - I am a driver of hand-me-downs, exclusively! - but I do have some feelings about requiring a butt-warming seat. Technology has really achieved something there. I like to drive with the window down even in winter, so having a warm butt and a hat and gloves makes it easy.
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Re: Live the Kyle Way™

Post by Kyle »

When you’re rinsing dishes and water backs up because the garbage disposal needs to be turned on, don’t just turn it on and start forcing food down with your dish brush or utensil. Instead, use the sprayer attachment and spray it so the water swirls like a whirlpool. The force of the vortex created will take almost all food down without you having to do anything else. That's the Kyle Way™.
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Re: Live the Kyle Way™

Post by Phoebe »

I like this idea but have too little trust in garbage disposals. The less pleasant way is to put a little metal mesh thing in your drain to gather up all the bits of food and trash, and regularly dump it in the garbage can. But then other people come in and don't like having that mesh thing there, and so they move it or lose it (usually means something else, lol). People get very mad if they don't want to empty that little mesh container when it is time to do so because water is backing up. But it is very important to have the mesh container because other people who do not live in the house will come and try to wash things like potato peels down your drain, which is madness both because those things should be composted but also because they should not ever go down a drain! If you are too lazy to empty the mesh container you can always take a big spoon and scoop it out and solve your problems the quick and dirty way until someone else comes to empty the mesh container. But people are indignant that the mesh container exists at all to inconvenience them even slightly! Here is the true problem even with the whirlpool method: it is a method of convenience for the human rather than of benefit to the plumbing! The plumbing must be protected even at great sacrifice and risk! The plumbing is fragile and delicate and expensive and needs to be nurtured gently like a small flower.
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Re: Live the Kyle Way™

Post by Stan »

The mesh screen helps. Very old disposal died wo we are relying solely on it. At a convenient time, the disposal and the dishwasher with the messed up circuitry will be replaced together. In the unknown future, the water softener will be replaced as well - then life will sparkle.
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Re: Live the Kyle Way™

Post by Phoebe »

I bought a dishwasher a year or two ago, can't remember exactly, but I have thoughts about dishwashers. I don't know if they are in keeping with the Kyle way, that remains to be seen, but here's what I learned. I tried to purchase different types of extremely fancy European dishwashers, on the grounds that they had greater efficiency and quiet, all sorts of special trays and amenities, and they looked cool and so forth. Any major change I made to my kitchen I wanted to enhance the value. Well! It was a nightmare to try to figure out how to size those stupid things for the hole I had available without destroying the floor and countertop (queue 100 terrible jokes from certain family members here). I eventually realized that for the expense and difficulty it was going to be to install the lovely German or Swedish or whatever dishwashers, I could buy three Maytags in a row and have a dishwasher functioning for 30 years. Or even if it broke, there's no way I would get through all three of those dishwashers within the life of the other one. So in a fit of pique I purchased a fairly high-end Maytag, which was still something like 350 on sale and has a lovely stainless outside and interior. It works beautifully and I barely hear it in the background, and all kinds of big dishes fit right in it. Never a moment of regret.
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Re: Live the Kyle Way™

Post by Kyle »

Hey Phoebe... that's living the Kyle Way™!

I have very strong opinions on high use appliances like dishwashers, washers and dryers. As you can imagine in my house, we have a lot of people and these appliances get used a lot. We do 2-3 loads of laundry every day, and 5-6 on the weekends. We do at least two full loads in the dishwasher a day, and three on the weekends. So I have a lot of experience with these, and how they eventually fail.

And that's the thing- they eventually fail. The problem is that they don't build appliances to last more than five to seven years any more. You can spend a lot of money on a lot of fancy features and extras, but it still won't last more than five to seven years for you. But for me and the heavy use I put them through, that means three to five years. So I'm not a big believer in spending a ton of money on these appliances (seriously, high end models go for 1,200-1,400 bucks) because I've bought these and they still crap out after a few years. I've had this conversation with two appliance repair guys (one that I'm a really good friend with) and they both agree with my assessment 100%. BUT- and this is important- these repairmen (and my own experience) say that you can't just go with the cheapest option-- i.e., the $200 washer-- because these almost always fall apart shortly after their one year warranty. So I like to spend in the moderate range- $350 to $450, and try to get something on sale. For example, when our house was being rebuilt from the flood, we were on a tight budget and couldn't afford the appliances we wanted, so I got the cheapshit $250 dishwasher. It died on me 18 months after we moved back in. So I went to Lowes and found a discontinued Samsung that they were trying to get rid of. I paid $360 for a dishwasher that normally goes for $750.

Interestingly, after my house was destroyed in the flood, my aunt gave me her Kenmore washer and dryer because she was moving in with her daughter and didn't need it. They were both 15-20 years old and weren't quite big enough for us, but we decided to keep them until they broke down. Two years later, they're still working perfectly. They really, really don't make appliances like they used to.
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Re: Live the Kyle Way™

Post by Phoebe »

I had a Maytag washing machine from the late 1970s or maybe early 80s that weighed about 400,000 lb, and eventually we had to leave it behind because we didn't have enough people who could physically pick the thing up and get it up the stairs. I keep meaning to go and investigate whether it still lives and is working in that spot to this day, because my guess is yes, but covid is a bad time to show up at someone's door to inquire about their washer.
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Re: Live the Kyle Way™

Post by Akiva »

Phoebe wrote: Wed Jan 13, 2021 8:52 pmI keep meaning to go and investigate whether it still lives and is working in that spot to this day, because my guess is yes, but covid is a bad time to show up at someone's door to inquire about their washer.

Is there a good time to do that? Kyle?
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Re: Live the Kyle Way™

Post by Kyle »

Akiva wrote: Thu Jan 14, 2021 7:26 am
Phoebe wrote: Wed Jan 13, 2021 8:52 pmI keep meaning to go and investigate whether it still lives and is working in that spot to this day, because my guess is yes, but covid is a bad time to show up at someone's door to inquire about their washer.

Is there a good time to do that? Kyle?
There is, but not during the time of Covid. The best time would be a Saturday afternoon when people are likely to be home and relaxed.
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Re: Live the Kyle Way™

Post by Phoebe »

The Kyle way of living is very sensible.
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Re: Live the Kyle Way™

Post by Tahlvin »

We went The Kyle Way(TM) with our new washer and dryer, not the cheapest, not the top of the line, but moderate. The one bauble we got (that my wife wanted) is that they are WiFi-enabled, so they can send a notification when the cycle has completed. Since our laundry room is in the basement, out of our normal path through the house, that will help make sure we don't have a wet load of laundry sitting in the washer, forgotten. Because everyone knows it's not good to let a wet load sitting too long.
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Re: Live the Kyle Way™

Post by Kyle »

Tahlvin wrote: Fri Jan 22, 2021 7:46 am We went The Kyle Way(TM) with our new washer and dryer, not the cheapest, not the top of the line, but moderate. The one bauble we got (that my wife wanted) is that they are WiFi-enabled, so they can send a notification when the cycle has completed. Since our laundry room is in the basement, out of our normal path through the house, that will help make sure we don't have a wet load of laundry sitting in the washer, forgotten. Because everyone knows it's not good to let a wet load sitting too long.
That makes sense and, assuming it's worth the price increase, a worthwhile upgrade.
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Re: Live the Kyle Way™

Post by Phoebe »

I thought the reason you had that little 18-minute soap and rinse and spin cycle was for all the times an abandoned washed but undried load was discovered! Are you saying we're always supposed to move those into the dryer? That will be shocking news for my household. Tell me which one you got and if you end up liking it over the next month because I think we are due for one pretty soon here. I could be wrong. ours has felt like it's on its last legs for 4 years now but it keeps on trucking. Sometimes it makes terrible noises.
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Re: Live the Kyle Way™

Post by Tahlvin »

We got Samsung in black stainless steel from Best Buy. Our current set is Kenmore, and we're finding with a number of our Kenmore appliances that repairs are expensive, spare parts are rare and take awhile to ship and receive, so we're ready to move to a different brand. The dryer crapped out on us and won't blow any heat, and while the washer still works, it's even older than the dryer, has already had one expensive repair, and feels like it is overdue for another, so we're just replacing the whole set while we're at it. It'll be delivered and installed on Wednesday.
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Re: Live the Kyle Way™

Post by Phoebe »

Sounds fancy, black stainless! I have a Samsung now that came with the house, and it does okay but they're getting old and I don't like sideload washer style - let me know if you like it relative to the top loader. I don't feel like I'm getting a good test because I inherited this machine that was already pretty old and might have been weaker simply because of that. The top loader I had prior to that was a beast! In a good way. I mean there was never a question if everything would be completely clean. The other thing I don't like as much about this one is all the rubber or plastic sealing you have to have, which is done vulnerable to mildew and such, and easily traps lingering moisture. I run a load through with bleach every once in a while just because I'm doing white towels or whatever, but I feel like it should not be an issue. Brrr!
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Re: Live the Kyle Way™

Post by Tahlvin »

We've been using a front-load washer for probably 18 or so years, and my wife loves it. Her shoulders are damaged from being a swimmer in high school and college, and she thinks she's short (5'4"), so it's easier for her to load the front-loader rather than a top loader. We've always left the door of the washer open between loads, which prevents the buildup of mildew. But our laundry room is out of the way, so that's not a problem where you have to worry about someone walking into it accidentally.
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Re: Live the Kyle Way™

Post by Phoebe »

How does living the Kyle way relate to Lifehacker? Is there any overlap? Translation: my husband is sending me links from Lifehacker again. I thought we had squelched that successfully a long time ago.
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Re: Live the Kyle Way™

Post by Kyle »

There may be some, but I stopped going to lifehacker several years ago. But the core is simplicity and common sense, so some overlap is inevitable. My issue with lifehacker- particularly with their parental advice, was that it was overly worrisome and, in my opinion, bad advice. The bigger issue for me was that they ran out of things to say. Every six months they’d recycle their hacks like no one heard them before (“The arrow next to your gas gauge tells you what side your gas cap is!”).
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Re: Live the Kyle Way™

Post by Phoebe »

Good, I am not interested in their advice! Who are these people to advise me? I should be advising them.
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Re: Live the Kyle Way™

Post by bralbovsky »

This is one of the unexpected blessings of adult children: They know things.
I don't have to research or understand so many issues. I know how not to support Nestles, what the roi for a tesla is, which gadgets to buy. All it takes is between one and three calls I was going to make anyway.
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Re: Live the Kyle Way™

Post by Kyle »

bralbovsky wrote: Tue Jan 26, 2021 12:31 pm This is one of the unexpected blessings of adult children: They know things.
I don't have to research or understand so many issues. I know how not to support Nestles, what the roi for a tesla is, which gadgets to buy. All it takes is between one and three calls I was going to make anyway.
Listen to those around you and don't assume you're the smartest person in the room. This includes when you're with your children. That's living the Kyle Way™
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Re: Live the Kyle Way™

Post by Phoebe »

bralbovsky wrote: Tue Jan 26, 2021 12:31 pm This is one of the unexpected blessings of adult children: They know things.
I don't have to research or understand so many issues. I know how not to support Nestles, what the roi for a tesla is, which gadgets to buy. All it takes is between one and three calls I was going to make anyway.
Wait what is the roi for a tesla???
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Re: Live the Kyle Way™

Post by Tahlvin »

Phoebe wrote: Tue Jan 26, 2021 6:04 pm Wait what is the roi for a tesla???
I assume he means Return On Investment. At least that's what ROI means in most contexts I've seen.
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Re: Live the Kyle Way™

Post by Phoebe »

Right but what is it? Do I wish to invest?
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Re: Live the Kyle Way™

Post by Mike »

A quick Google search reveals an article from 2019 showing that the cost of owning a Tesla Model 3 over 5 years is slightly cheaper than owning a Toyota Camry, and the Tesla is a far superior car on all sorts of ratings.

I didn't look any further, but I don't own any car for just 5 years. I drive a car til it doesn't drive anymore. So once the vehicle is paid off, I'm wondering how the cost of ownership compares over 8 or 10 years or more.
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Re: Live the Kyle Way™

Post by Phoebe »

Same here - I want to drive it until chunks start falling off or the transmission collapses or something bad costs more to repair than the whole vehicle is worth!
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Re: Live the Kyle Way™

Post by Kyle »

Two things about car safety. I choose to drive a small car because I feel like they're more easily maneuverable and, with the additional control, are less likely to get into accidents. I realize that this is a minority view and people like big cars built like tanks because they think all that metal will save them in a 70 mile an hour crash. And that's fine. I just choose a smaller car. But if you do choose a smaller car, pick one in a bright color. I usually choose red, but bright blue, green or orange will do also. The point is- make sure other people can see you on the road. That's living the Kyle Way.™

Second point- blind spot mirrors. If your car doesn't have blind spot mirrors (little "half sphere" mirrors that are on your side mirrors) then go on amazon and buy a pair for $7. You attach these little mirrors to your side mirrors, and miraculously you don't have any blind spots in your car. When you first get them, you won't really use them properly and you might even find them annoying. But after you've had them for 4-6 weeks, checking your blind spot mirror (and you should still look over your shoulder) will become second nature- and make you a far safer driver. That's living safe, which is living the Kyle Way.™
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Re: Live the Kyle Way™

Post by Stan »

Kyle wrote: Sun Jan 31, 2021 3:48 pm Two things about car safety. I choose to drive a small car because I feel like they're more easily maneuverable and, with the additional control, are less likely to get into accidents.
Smaller cars usually also stop in shorter time/distance, which can prevent some accidents.
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Re: Live the Kyle Way™

Post by DMDarcs »

Kyle wrote: Sun Jan 31, 2021 3:48 pm But if you do choose a smaller car, pick one in a bright color. I usually choose red, but bright blue, green or orange will do also. The point is- make sure other people can see you on the road.
I will say, this one surprised me a bit. I've always been taught to avoid red as color when possible because the insurance rates are higher. However, that could also be complete BS, and I drive a red car as my personal vehicle now anyway.
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Re: Live the Kyle Way™

Post by Phoebe »

I thought red and white and bright colors were supposed to be better for insurance due to standing out from the backdrop more than other colors like silver or dirt-covered or whatever. I formed this notion about 33 years ago so have no idea if it's true.
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Re: Live the Kyle Way™

Post by Tahlvin »

And I was always told that red cars were more likely to be pulled over by police precisely because they were more noticeable.
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Re: Live the Kyle Way™

Post by Kyle »

Tahlvin wrote: Thu Feb 04, 2021 4:47 am And I was always told that red cars were more likely to be pulled over by police precisely because they were more noticeable.
I think you’re both correct. But I don’t speed, so it’s not a problem.
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Re: Live the Kyle Way™

Post by Phoebe »

I am invisible to police, apparently. The my pillow mention in the other thread brought up a serious question for this thread:
How much does proper pronunciation matter? For example, suppose one person pronounces a word "pillow" like the vitamin pill you take at breakfast, and another pronounces it the same way but is informed by her family that in fact she is saying the word "pellow" even though she can clearly hear herself saying "pillow" because she too can hear herself speaking. Is this an issue worth discussing, and if so, how much time in a given day do you think such matters merit in the midst of life? What if the offender ALSO says words like "crick" and "ruff" instead of "creeeeek" and "rooooooof"?
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Re: Live the Kyle Way™

Post by Kyle »

Phoebe wrote: Thu Feb 04, 2021 10:51 am I am invisible to police, apparently. The my pillow mention in the other thread brought up a serious question for this thread:
How much does proper pronunciation matter? For example, suppose one person pronounces a word "pillow" like the vitamin pill you take at breakfast, and another pronounces it the same way but is informed by her family that in fact she is saying the word "pellow" even though she can clearly hear herself saying "pillow" because she too can hear herself speaking. Is this an issue worth discussing, and if so, how much time in a given day do you think such matters merit in the midst of life? What if the offender ALSO says words like "crick" and "ruff" instead of "creeeeek" and "rooooooof"?
Proper pronunciation is only important if the lack of it obscures the meaning of what you're saying. Language is fluid and always evolving. Pronunciations change, and we shouldn't shame that. In my house, two of my daughters pronounce it "pallow" but think they're saying "pillow."

Understand that some mispronunciations evidence a misreading of a word, which should probably be corrected. If I misread a word and mispronounced it, I would want someone to tell me.

Also- none of this advice applies to names. Mispronunciation of names should always be corrected. It's a matter of respect.
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Re: Live the Kyle Way™

Post by Eliahad »

Kyle wrote: Thu Feb 04, 2021 12:43 pm Also- none of this advice applies to names. Mispronunciation of names should always be corrected. It's a matter of respect.
Damn straight, Kale!
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Re: Live the Kyle Way™

Post by Mike »

Eliahad wrote: Thu Feb 04, 2021 9:19 pm
Kyle wrote: Thu Feb 04, 2021 12:43 pm Also- none of this advice applies to names. Mispronunciation of names should always be corrected. It's a matter of respect.
Damn straight, Kale!
Whoa! Not cool! Koile shouldn't have to put up with this crap.
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Re: Live the Kyle Way™

Post by Phoebe »

Wait you guys, don't mess with me. There's only one way to pronounce Kyle, exactly like it's spelled, two syllables, Ky-le.
"For me the baby he." This is actually what my phone said when I tried to start the next sentence with Phoebe.
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Re: Live the Kyle Way™

Post by Kyle »

Phoebe wrote: Thu Feb 04, 2021 11:23 pm Wait you guys, don't mess with me. There's only one way to pronounce Kyle, exactly like it's spelled, two syllables, Ky-le.
"For me the baby he." This is actually what my phone said when I tried to start the next sentence with Phoebe.
My family pronounces it with two, but in the south, it's often pronounced as one- like "Cal."
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Re: Live the Kyle Way™

Post by Phoebe »

I can't remember where this came up... I discovered that the inside of the Mypillow is shredded bits of what looks like standard egg crate foam. In short, there's a good reason why this pillow sucks. I did not wish to discover what was inside it. The insides of it are spread out and sort of ground into my dining room carpet in a way that might never be remedied. I purchased a cheap carpet because I thought people would be accidentally dropping food on it. I did not envision people would be accidentally dropping the contents of a shitty, fascist Mypillow on it, nor that such a pillow would be shredded in a wild frenzy upon it. Never say never.
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Re: Live the Kyle Way™

Post by bralbovsky »

In my region Kyle is one syllable. KILE, as kale or style would be one syllable.
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Re: Live the Kyle Way™

Post by Phoebe »

Ki rhymes with eye and then UHHL rhymes with UHHL. Two syllables or I'll throw your pellow in the crick! (Lol even autocorrect tries to force that into pillow and crock.)
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