Is it bad that I like Seth MacFarlane?

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Is it bad that I like Seth MacFarlane?

Post by Kyle »

I can't watch Family Guy anymore. I don't watch American Dad anymore. I don't think either of those shows have aged particularly well with their gender and homophobic issues.


I've seen several interviews with Seth MacFarlane recently. And understanding that he has only worked as a voice actor on his animated shows for the last decade or so, I kind of like him?

Hear me out.

I understand that he won't (or doesn't want to) shit on the shows he created even though he just serves as a voice on them. But he seems to have evolved since 2008, right? Look. In the mid-2000s, Mike and I were still doing "edgelord" comedy podcasts about "Chicks in Gaming" and other things that I'm not particularly proud of. Remember the Underboob Thread? Yikes. Please don't tell my kids about that. Shameful. But I've evolved. And maybe I'm reading too much into it, but it seems like MacFarland (who's about my age) has taken a similar progression.

Am I wrong? Am I reading shit into this situation that I want to see because I still think he's funny today? Should I watch the Orville and judge him based on that? I don't know the answers to these questions. Only y'all do. So tell me: is it bad that I like Seth MacFarland?
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Re: Is it bad that I like Seth MacFarlane?

Post by Phoebe »

I would be happy to indulge the pleasure of judging your preferences if I had the slightest idea who this person is!
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Re: Is it bad that I like Seth MacFarlane?

Post by Kyle »

Damn. We just posted the same thing about each other in different posts.

He's the creator of Family Guy and American Dad.
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Re: Is it bad that I like Seth MacFarlane?

Post by Mike »

I'm with you. I haven't watched Family Guy or American Dad in years, and find them pretty gross when I stumble over clips from them. But I like him as a person, and the first two seasons of The Orville are my favorite run of Star Trek ever. It gets a rough start but then eventually gives up on being a "parody" of Star Trek and just becomes a good Star Trek show. (Haven't watched the new season yet). For what it's worth, McFarland is trying to say something meaningful with these episodes.
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Re: Is it bad that I like Seth MacFarlane?

Post by Phoebe »

I think I know what family Guy is because ... that one with the erudite baby and the long suffering talking dog?
Some amusing little moments but I'm not impressed and I don't know what the other stuff is.
If there is something untoward about this person I suppose the just desserts are that they have completely failed to make any impression on me one way or another.
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