Shared Bedrooms

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Shared Bedrooms

Post by Phoebe »

Both of my grandparents had separate bedrooms and were quite happy with that arrangement. Later in life, blessedly later, I discovered it did not impede any of their other activities much. My parents, by contrast, always shared a bedroom, and then at some magical unknown age they started having their own rooms. My question is, at what age does this occur? Does it have some kind of deeper implication or is it just something you could choose to do? I have no idea what the norms are in this area.
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Re: Shared Bedrooms

Post by FlameBlade »

Snoring. Less interruptions overnight. Own mattress, own comfort.

I get up at 4:30 AM these days, my wife goes to bed at 1 AM. Because of pandemic-induced screwy schedule. So makes sense to have own bedroom, and we get better quality sleep that way.
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