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3 words that start with dw-

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2024 8:46 am
by Mike
I saw a Tik Tok that asked "What are the only 3 words in the English language that start with 'dw'?" This was once a line on The West Wing, but I never saw that. And apparently, it comes with a couple caveats: first, 'dweeb' doesn't count. Stupid, but okay. And second, we're only counting root words... everyone thinks of dwarf right away, so that includes dwarfs, dwarves, dwarflike, dwarfism, etc.

So as soon as I saw the question, I had the answer: dwarf, dwell, and dweomer. Done! But NO! They gave the answer as dwarf, dwell, and dwindle. Shit! How could I forget dwindle?

But wait... where the fuck is dweomer then? So I Google "words starting with dw-", and Mirriam Webster gives me a list of all the variations of dwarf/dwell/dwindle/dweeb, plus a handful of others that I didn't recognize as words: dwall, dwalm, dwine, and the like. But no dweomer.

Now I'm baffled. I know dweomer. We used it in D&D all the time. It means something like 'magic effect' or 'magic aura.' So I Google dweomer. Not a modern English word. It's actually from Old English meaning witchcraft or sorcery. And it's only use since Old English is poetical and D&D. 80% of the search result were about dweomers and D&D.

Friggin weird.

Re: 3 words that start with dw-

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2024 9:49 am
by Kyle
Can we talk about language stuff? I know you're into it, but can we talk? Should I start a new thread? We should start a new thread.

Re: 3 words that start with dw-

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2024 11:48 am
by Eliahad
But what about Mis-dweomers!

Re: 3 words that start with dw-

Posted: Thu May 09, 2024 8:42 am
by Phoebe
Dwyn duh lol