DMDarcs Status

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DMDarcs Status

Post by DMDarcs »

So here's the deal. I got sick for awhie. But then I got reay sick. I went to the hospital, thinking I was going to be treated for DKA, but they really started treating me as if I had a stroke - because I was exhibiting all those symptoms. No stroke, brain is fine. I was then treated for spinal meningitis, because I was displaying all the textbook symptoms of that as well, including high brain fluid pressure. Lab work says no, not meningitis. Dismissed from hospital after 4 days. I'm on all sorts of blood pressure medication. My left eye seems to be undegoing the same type of sixth nerve pasy that my right eye had undegone from December to March. My lab work (of which I've had a lot) is coming back mostly nomal. Stil high blood sugar (ongoing issue) and high blood pressure (again, ongoing issue), but ok.

I felt great immediately after leaving the hospital, but after that, I was experiencing a lot of pain and a TON of low energy. Like, after coming home from work in early evening, I would fall alseep dead to the world until morning. I did ease off of some things, but more thn likely did NOT take things easy. Because I'm stubborn. Since that hospital stint, I did direct/produce a show, have a concert, and have run the light/sound for multiple events at schoo, all while finishing up the normal end of the year stuff. Did I mention that our auditorium is getting redone and I have to have things clleaned out by next week? Yeah. Whie proctoring exams, running graduation events, etx.

My ener4gy levels are pretty close to normal, but there are days where my emotional energy just isn't allowing me to do things. I mean, yesterday, I couldn't be bothered to carry on conversations with Andrew or Dave, two of my favorite people. And actually didn't tqlk much to SB either, and I was in the car with her for a few uninterrupted hours.

I'm ok. Really. I don't really know what happened, but I'm not in any drastic danger. I've got an other 3 doctor's appointments in as many weeks - general physician, endocrinologist, and neurologist now as well.

I am sorry to worry anyone. I will eventually get caught up with Pathfinder threads. I'm going over to Facebook now just to mke sure there aren't messages there.

Kisses and toodles.
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Re: DMDarcs Status

Post by poorpete »

Sad about the struggles but glad to know you're not in drastic danger!

Not many people go in for a stroke and get released days later so in that one way we are relieved! Glad you are here and we hope this gets figured out soon and you get what you need to get better. Until then, let us know if you need anything. Food, company, trivia...

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Re: DMDarcs Status

Post by Eliahad »

How awesome is this guy?
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Re: DMDarcs Status

Post by Mike »

SO awesome!
Any time the solution is "banjo rifle", I'm in 100%.
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Re: DMDarcs Status

Post by Phoebe »

Oh, it sounds like a harrowing experience and I'm so glad things are improving. Hope you get some answers. Your powers are great to make it through all of this!
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Re: DMDarcs Status

Post by Tahlvin »

Please, take all the time you need! And thanks for taking the time to give an update! I've been worried about your silence!
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