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Writing prompt: Three words.

Posted: Mon May 30, 2022 8:26 pm
by poorpete
Trying to get back into writing more... not just reviews here, but more prose, poetry, songwriting, short stories, journaling etc.

One prompt I used to do in college: I would ask a friend for three words, and in then write a song that featured those words/topics. A few became favorites of people who liked my music. I was wondering if it would be a fun feature here.

Instead of getting suggestions, I'm going to grab the five suggested random words generated here:

And the write something that contains at least three of those words. If you want to participate, feel free to use the words I pick or click the link and create something based on those words. Or tell me your preferred prompt.

Re: Writing prompt: Three words.

Posted: Mon May 30, 2022 8:38 pm
by poorpete
cub scandalous fling build reflective

Being reflective for a moment,
What was once scandalous in politics,
A flirtation, a fling, a building romance,
What we would give for such scandal today,
How well it would play
The vox populi would rejoyce,
The pulpit would praise,
Awards would be given, from Nobel to Cub Scout,
Thank you, politicians, thank you for your wholesome libido,
May you always transgress through the Appalachian Trail
of life.

Re: Writing prompt: Three words.

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2022 6:47 pm
by poorpete
classy, ugliest, derive

Sitting on grass,
sun is setting,
still stings my skin
son plays baseball
every pore sweating,
sitting on grass.

Sun is setting,
but the heat will stay
It will abate they say
give it two more days

Still stings my skin,
try to be classy,
impress other parents,
look at me I’m the cool dad
but my face gets red
and every pore sweats
sitting on grass.

Son plays baseball,
out in the outfield
sitting on grass
he’s derived from me.
impressing his friends
or would if they could see
the coach says to stand
he reluctantly agrees.

Every pore sweating,
look at me I'm the ugliest dad,
at least i’m not a yell-at-my-kid dad,
I should yell good job kid, tho
I’m not a yeller
I’m speechless
just trying to be present
lightly clapping,
every pore sweating,
sitting on grass

Re: Writing prompt: Three words.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2022 12:43 am
by bralbovsky
ceaseless queen aware

Aware of the ceaseless chanting outside
aware of the dampness of the tower
aware of the silence after the hammering
aware of the approach of dawn

She should have been queen.

Re: Writing prompt: Three words.

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2022 6:09 pm
by Phoebe
ooooooh y'all good!!