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Banjo Rifle

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2022 3:36 pm
by Eliahad
I'm running a fever and not feeling great, but that made me chuckle. That was, hands down, the best gm we had at GenCon all the times we went.

Re: Banjo Rifle

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2022 12:35 pm
by Mike
Best GM, and one of the best single moments from any game I've ever played.

Help me fill in the details:

You'd been hankering to throw your moonshine bombs at anything and everything. Then when the crucial moment came along as the bad guy is getting away, you grinned at the GM and said, "I think you know what I'm gonna do." And he grinned back knowingly, "Yeah, I think I do!"

But he didn't. None of us did, because instead of a moonshine bomb, you call, "Banjo rifle!"

And that's where I go fuzzy. I remember the look of utter disbelief on the GM's face. I remember an amazing critical shot with the banjo rifle that saved the day. I remember other tables having to shush us for being so raucous. (But... you know... fuck the haters. They were just jealous.)