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I would make a terrible god..would you?

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2021 6:54 am
by Mando
What kind would you be, honestly speaking, if you were a god?

Remember all your strengths are magnified as well as your flaws.

Me: Laughing and joyful and enjoying life and then somber and a bit vengeful.

My bad moods would be bad for the tiny humans. Sorry about the storms. They just happen when I am in a foul mood.

The god who needs more sleep but doesn't want to go to bed on time. Such a baby.

I am sounding pretty Norse...

Re: I would make a terrible god..would you?

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2021 7:52 am
by Tahlvin
I'd like to think I'd be a combination of old and new testament diety. Generally kind and benevolent, but occasionally petulant and ready to smite your ass for pissing me off and not following the rules, and sometimes willing to just flood the whole damn place and start over because mankind is just such a bunch of whiney-asses.

Re: I would make a terrible god..would you?

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2021 11:08 am
by Phoebe
I would be like the goddess Fulla - keeper of shoes and secrets, fix your leg or foot, understand dogs, and give warnings to people.

Re: I would make a terrible god..would you?

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2021 11:20 am
by Kyle
I'd lose interest. Have you ever turned on God Mode in a game? I've done that when I get frustrated, promising that I'll just use it to get past the one are I've having trouble with, but then I clear the rest of the game with it and realize it's dumb to play in God Mode and there's no point to it and I never play the game again- because once you go God Mode you can never go back.

Re: I would make a terrible god..would you?

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2021 9:18 pm
by Phoebe
Lol, I love your comment, so very amusing, because when it comes to that kind of game, I only play in God mode! Like SimCity? Disgusted by playing it any other way. Always and only God mode. Caesar 3 or 4 or whatever iterations those were? I actually took the trouble to learn how to hack the code with different parameters so that I could play only in God mode. Probably something interesting is being revealed here but I don't know what it is. I'm pretty sure that negative side of it is my side because I'm the one who wants to play God all the time hahahahaha!

Re: I would make a terrible god..would you?

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2021 8:54 am
by Kyle
Hmm. That’s interesting, because I didn’t think of it in terms of sim games (even though that’s the obvious example). I was thinking in terms of shooters, rpgs or adventure games. But you’re right- in Sim games, God mode is the only way to play. Okay, maybe I wouldn’t lose interest. In fact, if my experience with roller coaster tycoon is any indication, then I’ll be a spiteful god that loves making things that will nearly kill, but give you no place to go to the bathroom.

Re: I would make a terrible god..would you?

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2021 12:20 pm
by Phoebe
Lol like a shopping mall designer! Minecraft is another good one like this. Who wants to have to whap at these random creatures when you're trying to do something? I don't play any action/shooter or adventure games so I don't know how that would work.

Re: I would make a terrible god..would you?

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2021 9:30 am
by Mando
I think I would eradicate too much stuff...only chipmunks and furry woodland creatures would be left...and birds.

I am a hermit/druid at heart, lol

Re: I would make a terrible god..would you?

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2021 10:51 am
by Akiva
If you're looking for a petty god, I'd be great at it.

Re: I would make a terrible god..would you?

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2021 11:53 am
by Mike
I'd start out well, and I'd be wonderfully benevolent most of the time. I'd screw up a lot and be too indulgent and people would come to rely on me too much. Then I'd get all pissy and selfish. I'd let things slide until I reached a point of nominally benevolent apathy. At that point, I would only rarely intervene, and then only in cases of outrageous injustice. But then after my meddling, I'd see all the unintended consequences of my actions and I'd just be pissed at myself, because I really should have known better than to try. I'm sure a lot more stages follow, but I'm hoping the end result would be something like Bill Murray at the end of Groundhogs Day. Finally I will have found a way to be genuinely good and helpful and supportive without inserting my own godly ego into the whole thing.

Being a god has to have a truly massive learning curve.

Re: I would make a terrible god..would you?

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2021 12:14 pm
by Mando
It could be a fun read

"On Becoming A God"

Re: I would make a terrible god..would you?

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2021 12:55 pm
by Phoebe
Mike wrote: Mon Nov 01, 2021 11:53 am Being a god has to have a truly massive learning curve.
It's really not that bad. It takes a while to learn how to deal with people's feet, that's the hard part, as well as what things to give warnings about. But understanding dogs and keeping secrets and taking good care of shoes and stuff is not that difficult.

Re: I would make a terrible god..would you?

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2021 3:16 pm
by Phoebe
I think if I could act with total freedom from negative or unintended consequences, I would do some things in the world that I am presently unable to do. I would like to think these are good things, but I don't know. For example, I have reached a state of humility where I feel not every one of my ideas for the workplace is particularly good. It may be best to sit back and hand over reins to others for things, frequently. However, if it were up to me, I WOULD SHUFFLE SOME PERSONNEL AND IT WOULD BE RIGHT AND JUST AND GOOD THAT I DID.