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Stupid Ideas

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2021 8:11 pm
by Stan
Here's the first of many stupid ideas that I've had. Feel free to add your own.

The Importance of Being Ernest Borgnine.

The borg decide to use time travel to weaken Earthlings. They send back one of their most earnest and senior borg to infiltrate. The borg lack imagination and keep Borg Nine's name as his new last name. Surgery to remove his augmentations left him disfigured and strange.

Untethered from his connection to his people, Ernest struggles to have an effect on a worldwide level. Still thinking like a borg, he fears a nazi victory would create a strong Earth and joins the navy to fight. With the war over and his advancement limited, the borg sees that media is the way to effect millions. He has a lifechanging epiphany while filming Marty. He sees the superior beauty of human love and individuality. He also sees that the way to defeat the borg is not with firepower, but with passion.

Ernest makes fun of the military with efforts such as McHale's Navy and Airwolf, the latter being so bad that the subtext seemed obvious to him. He also tries to warn of upcoming ecological crises by making disaster movies. At the end, he sees the obsession with super heroes as the new dangerous idolization of autocrats and works to skewer them with his fellow alien Tim Conway as Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy.

Re: Stupid Ideas

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2021 9:29 pm
by Phoebe
Excuse me this is the stupid ideas thread, not the genius insights thread.

Re: Stupid Ideas

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2021 6:14 am
by Kyle
In a similar vein, I had an idea for gonzo time traveling (they go in everywhere, guns blazing, changing the time line and they don’t give a shit). I’m still keeping that core idea, but it’s evolved from its original conception of it having a ragtag team of misfits that were led by THE WORLD’S GREATEST FOOTBALL PLAYER Al Del Greco. Al Del Drecco is a real NFL kicker who played forever in the league. I was so enamored with this idea that I friended several of his children and acquaintances on Facebook in an effort to friend him and get his permission to use his name (although it technically wasn’t necessary). It didn’t work. He blocked me.

Re: Stupid Ideas

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2021 5:25 pm
by Stan
You gotta use that Kyle.

Elrond Hubbard is an NPC I've dropped into a few settings but PCs have never taken the bait.

Elrond is a half-elf who preaches that everyone used to be elves until civilization lessened us into humans. He claims to have been several elves in the past but was a human in his most recent previous life. His church of Psiontology recruits people to gather all of their belongings and move into its forest compound to be closer to nature.

According to Elrond, everyone has past elves in their former lives and can become an elf again if they give up their material ways that distract them from the elven way. They teach past life regression to get in touch with one’s inner elf; this is called elf actualization.

Re: Stupid Ideas

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2021 6:24 pm
by Phoebe
Stan wrote: Sat Jul 24, 2021 5:25 pm elf actualization.
It's lucky that I was laying down in a lounging position when I read this because I have actually died completely dead now.