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Haiti intrigue

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 6:36 am
by poorpete
Any one else have been keeping up with the Haiti situation?

Feels like an Internet obsessed with Epstein's death, which probably wasn't foul play, would be paying great attention to an actual assassination that seems to have been orchestrated by possibly powerful masterminds that might never be revealed, with what seems like possible misdirection that is played for incompetence.

Why did the security guards do nothing?

Why was the post-killing escape so incompetent?

Did most involved think this was an arrest but a select few, maybe those few who got away, knew the true objective?

Re: Haiti intrigue

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 4:30 pm
by Phoebe
No clues whatsoever but I wish I knew what was up with that!

Re: Haiti intrigue

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2021 10:38 am
by poorpete
The "mastermind" behind the attack, according to Haitian officials, recently filed for bankruptcy, which jibes paying off a large group of assassins.

Re: Haiti intrigue

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2021 10:24 am
by poorpete ... index.html
A number of suspected killers were likely deceived by their compatriots, Colombian President Ivan Duque told a local radio station on Thursday. Preliminary investigation suggests the Colombians were working in two groups, he said: A smaller group who knew of a "criminal" objective and were aware the bigger operation was a cover-up, and a larger group that had been kept in the dark.

Re: Haiti intrigue

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2021 5:39 pm
by poorpete ... ery-latest
On Wednesday, the Colombian broadcaster Caracol claimed investigators suspected Haiti’s interim prime minister, Claude Joseph, had ordered the hit and had attended a meeting with Moïse’s alleged killers in the weeks before his death. Haiti’s police chief, Léon Charles, called the claim “a lie” while his Colombian counterpart, Gen Jorge Luis Vargas, said he had no information suggesting Joseph was involved.

On Friday, Gen Vargas said investigators suspected Joseph Félix Badio, a former official in Haiti’s justice ministry may have ordered the murder, for reasons that remain unclear.

In Haiti, meanwhile, there were reports that Moïse’s former security chief, Dimitri Hérard, was being held in solitary confinement amid bafflement that not a single one of the president’s bodyguards had been injured during the deadly raid.

Re: Haiti intrigue

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2021 6:29 am
by poorpete
This is like clue and everyone is a suspect and maybe everyone is to blame ... 021-07-31/