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Dumb But Fun Math Magic Spoilery Predictions

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2021 9:51 am
by FlameBlade
Seriously, don't come in here if you don't want to be spoiled, because I'm going to make my observations, and attempt to predict what Mike is going to do.

Gonna leave a lot of room...and maybe some posts here and separate things out.

Re: Dumb But Fun Math Magic Spoilery Predictions

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2021 9:51 am
by FlameBlade
Seriously, stay out if you don't want to be spoiled or excitement spoiled.

Re: Dumb But Fun Math Magic Spoilery Predictions

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2021 10:00 am
by FlameBlade
Okay hereeeee I go.


You have been warned.

I noticed something about the numbers. Comments in invisible-ink.

First of all, observe that there is a pattern in how numbers are set up. For instance,

Blue is all odd numbers.

Red is grouped in twos, skipping twos.

Yellow is grouped in fours, skipping fours.

Green is grouped in eights, skipping eights.

Purple is last 15 numbers, or grouped in "sixteen", skipping first fifteen..

If you notice -- all numbers can be uniquely encoded. That is, if you chose 1, then you only have blue.

If you chose 15, it shows up in Blue, Red, Yellow, and Green.

The interesting aspect is, there is no missing number, and no number shows up in all five. "zero" number would suck, because there's no color to choose from, right? A number is always missing one card.

All of this can be encoded in binary, in this manner: PGYRB

Now for my prediction -- somehow, some sequence of math will force something, taking advantage of the fact that there's no number 31, leaving us something with unique value, and it's probably easily done with knowledge of how the values are encoded. I need to see first couple sequences to start consider where this could go.

Re: Dumb But Fun Math Magic Spoilery Predictions

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2021 11:06 am
by Mike
For what it's worth, it's not me. It's Kyle. I'm NOT going to look at the potential spoilers ahead of time, and I'm not making any effort to try to puzzle out the method yet. I'd rather enjoy the trick fresh as presented so I can get the full effect, but then I'll definitely try tracking the math/logic afterward.

Trying to spoil the trick ahead of time feels a little unsporting to me. Have fun, but I'll wait.

Re: Dumb But Fun Math Magic Spoilery Predictions

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2021 12:06 pm
by FlameBlade
That's fine. I take my entertainment one way. I figure that you all might come back to this later *after* the fact to see if I'm on right track or not.

To be honest, I have no idea where this is going to go yet, and all the fun is in trying to predict what could come next.

Re: Dumb But Fun Math Magic Spoilery Predictions

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2021 1:46 pm
by Phoebe
My daughter did an exercise like this as part of a summer gifted student program or whatever, and they performed it on the audience at their final presentation. I don't know if it's going to be exactly the same, but that's what I assume is happening and SO COOL because Math!