Counting Sheep

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Counting Sheep

Post by Kyle »

There's a debate going on in my house and I need everyone's input. My youngest and I were talking about how he sometimes counts sheep to help go to sleep. So that got me wondering and I said that I've never counted sheep to get to sleep, but when I picture it, I picture a field and the sheep file past one-by-one, each jumping over a picket fence in the middle of the field. He looked at me like I was ridiculous and told me that was stupid. He told me that he visualizes himself laying down in the field and the sheep jump over him one-by-one. I told him that was stupid. I asked another child, and they said they'd tried it a couple of times, and they visualized it the same way I did except there was no fence- but the sheep did jump up in the middle of the pasture.

Also- when I think about it, they're cartoon sheep. Probably because of all the animation I watched as a kid.

But then we all thought- are there people out there that just visualize a field filled with a thousand sheep and they just keep pointing to different ones to count them up? We decided that was the stupidest proposal yet.

So I need input- what's the right way to count sheep?
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Re: Counting Sheep

Post by Mike »

I picture it the same way you do, and I assume you're right, that's how cartoons always portrayed it for so many years.

I also assume that the last method of just trying to count all the sheep out in a field of sheep is probably the best way to hypnotize yourself and may actually be the origin of the phrase. Imagine a shepherd at the end of the day trying to get a final count of their sheep. Although they could also be talking about counting them as they all file through a gate at the end of the day.

Time for research.
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Re: Counting Sheep

Post by Tahlvin »

Since I'm the same age cohort as you two, and watched the same Saturday morning cartoons growing up, I visualize it as cartoon sheep jumping over a fence as well. Although I do love your sons idea of laying down in the field and the sheep jumping over him.
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Re: Counting Sheep

Post by Phoebe »

I wouldn't be able to sleep if I was imagining the sheep going over my own body because what if it misses the mark or stumbles?
But I don't count sheep regardless.
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Re: Counting Sheep

Post by Eliahad »

I have absolutely seen the sheep jumping over a fence in cartoons... But I think I have also seen the sheep jumping over the sleeping person as well. It may have been on the Animaniacs?
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