Sober posting

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Re: Sober posting

Post by Phoebe »

I tried drinking but it did not accomplish much, yet gave me a massive headache. Vodka was the base ingredient; I rarely touch the stuff but was under the impression it didn't have such effects? I don't know. What it failed to do was help, nor did I even feel slightly tipsy. Just straight down to Headache.

Having a bad day of "reluctant, unintentional cat owner", as small decisions led over time to living with animals too nice to get rid of but too difficult to keep in my home.
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Re: Sober posting

Post by bralbovsky »

Most vodka is best with something with a little sugar (sometimes a lot of sugar). I don't know the science, but the mixers alter the metabolism.

Revise your instructions. You could have someone intrude in your life and move things and marginally improve the place at the cost of potential madness, OR you could hire a service specifically to shampoo the rugs. This is a game changer if you have pets or kids. Yes, it's disruptive, but in a controlled way. You pick the spaces; they deal with the floors. Some will even shift the furniture. This is much better than setting parameters for cleaners, who may or may not do the job you would do, and why pay for it if I have to redo it anyway???!!!
The carpet people also stay out of rooms they don't clean. Another way to minimize impact.
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Re: Sober posting

Post by Phoebe »

bralbovsky wrote: Mon Apr 11, 2022 7:39 pm Most vodka is best with something with a little sugar (sometimes a lot of sugar). I don't know the science, but the mixers alter the metabolism.
I was drinking it with lime juice and non-sugary soda, and I think this may be the problem. At one point I squeezed half a lime into the cup and forgot that I hadn't put in the rest, drank it straight down and had a moment. So full of vitamins though.
You could have someone intrude in your life and move things and marginally improve the place at the cost of potential madness, OR you could hire a service
disruptive, but in a controlled way.
The fact that you say it this way indicates that you totally get it. Just knowing that it is "gettable" is a relief.

"Please intrude minimally and let's have one thing done so that I don't have to do it. I will specify this thing and then say no other words besides small talk about the weather."
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Re: Sober posting

Post by Phoebe »

Life continues to work against my efforts to drink. I have to live this sober life. I don't want to joke about it in a way that minimizes the serious horror of alcoholism - I simply find it amusing that I almost never suffer any ill effects of drinking but i do feel that I suffer ill effects of being forced never to drink because I have to be the Driver or the Responsible Person or the Going to Sleep Early or Getting Up Early person, or Do Nothing Whatsoever to Thin your Blood Further! person. Anyway, going on a few weeks now of everyone else going to events, parties, dinners, and in general massive drinking going on around, and me sipping ice water. BAH HUMBUG
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Re: Sober posting

Post by Phoebe »

I cannot drink any more - one of the effects of "Aging" is that I've lost the ability to drink.
I used to experience this total loss of alcohol tolerance from time to time because I couldn't drink for a long period. What concerns me now is that it might be the liver's fault - you can develop fatty liver disease even if you don't drink a huge lot, and obviously any drinking will help it along, plus eating too much fat.
My old liver is supposedly ok but has begun to acquire a little fat, and I wonder that the total lack of efficiency in processing alcohol might not be related?
I've been a noted lightweight since about age 27, and an even lighter weight after 40, but now if I have one large drink I'm Tipsy, two means Drunk, and three is Rolling and letting everyone else on the block know it.
So if I'm home I can drink a few drinks, but if I go out somewhere I can basically have one drink and that's it. Terrible. Like I cannot even do my part to split a wine bottle with dinner because half of it is too much.
This aging thing sucks in many ways. I was already living in moderation and now I have very moderated moderation forced upon me.
Next thing you know the body is going to have objections to ice cream or something nonsense.
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Re: Sober posting

Post by Phoebe »

Due to not having to drive much lately, I was able to drink a little but never enough. Have lost the ability to drink anything beyond 1 and possibly 2 standard drinks with alcohol. It truly sucks. Slight amounts of alcohol produce much stronger effects than they used to, and larger amounts generally lead to Sleep almost immediately. Some of it is probably loss of prior alcohol tolerance, and some of it is probably physical effects of aging. Continuing to lead the sober life against my will.
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Re: Sober posting

Post by Phoebe »

I was scoffing at the notion of Sober January because apparently people want a break for many reasons after the indulgences of December. Yet I had not indulged; I still wanted indulgence! I vowed to have non-sober January!

You can guess how it ended: I worked like a mule all January and had no indulgence, except in the category "kimchi and other fermented foods" where I went full hog wild. It's not the same. Kimchi does good things to your spirit and gut but it's not booze. In February now I have made sugo sauce and cassoulet and beef stew and all had wine, yet where was my drinking wine? None. I pass out upon hitting the bed - I have to use care to hit it horizontally because semi-vertical means waking up in horrid discomfort with no blankie. If I drank I'd probably pass out in the doorway or on the stairs.

The solution is drink. My life priorities are wrong. Whence drink? Howst? Sigh.
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Re: Sober posting

Post by Phoebe »

Had to get up this morning at 4:30 to drive my kid to a school thing and believe me, it is painful. In case I forgot what pain was, here is some to remind me. I'm glad I don't drink much.
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Re: Sober posting

Post by Phoebe »

People at work are driving me insane.
That is all.
The dog peed on a blanket and it is so annoying. Even so, I'd rather deal with the dog. I launder the blanket. Maybe twice. Then it's ok. Can't launder people's irritating and imo vaguely racist bs so easily.
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Re: Sober posting

Post by Mike »

We love stories of vaguely racist people.
Any time the solution is "banjo rifle", I'm in 100%.
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Re: Sober posting

Post by Phoebe »

It was one of those hiring situations where "reasons" are given not to hire the racial minority person but aren't applied to others and seem pretty random and false in the first place.

I'm trying to drink and I cannot drink past one shot/wine/beer any longer. Sad. I also ate a patty melt earlier and struggled to down the second half. Disaster. Without gluttony I am nothing, no good.
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Re: Sober posting

Post by Phoebe »

Oh ha ha it is always fun to return either to this thread or the drunken posting thread to get a review of one's life tape. I am almost never able to drink and my liver is old and weak and so... the joy of alcohol is limited to non-existent these days. I live like a monk with occasional samplings and tastings of drink.

So here's reflection on the past: it was indeed racist, the decision-making, and the people went on and did it anyway and I had to accept it as such. Really sick of this kind of thing.

Other problems are happening in life right now that cannot be described but are putting my entire moral calibration system in disarray. In short, people are doing a thing I consider to be a very unethical and impractical plan - nobody should be blamed for this, it's just one of those unfortunate life situations where no good option is available. The path being walked presently is NOT OK and it is upsetting me daily, all day, in the pit of my stomach. I have done what I could to suggest other pathways or illuminate their existence, at least, but none of this is up to me - it is definitely a Mind Your Own Business situation, because not up to me, my kid, spouse, parent, aunt, or anyone else I can put the grips on and apply Reasoning until something moves. Ethics in fact DEMANDS not saying anything and going along with the bad plan. But it is driving me nearly bonkers because I cannot deal with this bad plan being enacted. The point is: I need drink and no drink is going to come along to help. Even if I did drink, I can handle exactly one drink and if I even start into drink #2, I will pass right out and snore. So... I'm not ok.

The other things going on in life are no better: at work, people did a bad thing and the fallout is falling out everywhere, creating Problem upon Problem upon Problem for the foreseeable future. And then, on top of this, I found out people did an Even Worse thing - a Truly Bad Thing I did not know about, which also created a litany of problems still experienced today. There is no solution! The thing is, I want out! There is no escape hatch. We are like, in a space capsule headed to Neptune and we cannot get out until we get back to Earth in about 15 years. I have to live here happily in the capsule. If it were a giant advil capsule maybe my arm which hurts all day and all night would hurt less. Welcome to my pity party.
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