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Post by Phoebe »

I wasn't going to start this thread up, but What On Earth?!
Last night's dreams proceeded thusly:
My job was as the nurse for a plastic surgeon. (!)
The first thing that happened: I got butt implants. People, no. Trust that there is not a need for a butt implant over here. At this point in the dream my conscious mind intruded indignantly and said the same thing, at which point the insane dream mind recommended that the conscious mind give its butt a feel and see if the implants had been a bad idea after all. Guessing that I actually did this in my sleep: I squeezed my own butt and decided that it was good and implants probably were successful.
We move on.
The success of my butt implant surgery is used to advertise the procedure to others. Our next patient is Donald Trump senior, whom I must care for in the unpleasant aftermath of his surgery when he can't walk.
Further: I am married. To Michael Jackson who is still very much alive. You'll be glad to hear that I divorce him immediately upon discovering this. I think he may have been beset by grifters trying to take his money with abuse allegations, but I'm also not going to be married to the dude.
I move home and live with my mother.
We have four dogs and decide to adopt another.
It is a monstrous white pitbull. I am rarely able to control it in the outdoors as we have no fence but we keep letting it out anyway.
Various incidents with neighbors and passersby arise. During one of them I am shot "dead" but medical science has advanced to the point where body transplantation is possible. I emerge with a new body.
It is very similar to the old body - perhaps we have grown our replacement in a vat for moments just like these.
I request to have my corpse brought home with me on ice. It is in a deep freezer that sits in the garage. While sitting in my old garage in the home where I grew up, with my crazed pitbull that has managed to get me shot, I write a post in this message forum, telling all of you that I have my corpse now and I want some amusing ideas for things to do with it.
I think I'm under stress or something.
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Re: Dreams

Post by Phoebe »

Nightmare: one of the pandemic effects was that for every day we were at home, hair would grow about a 48th of an inch. But it did not stop growing. I grew weary from having to shave my legs every day and some days I wasn't able to do it. Eventually it grew too long to manage and I had to give up and just let it grow. After several months of quarantine here we are in February, and so my hair on the legs was several inches long. Yet not like a fur - like a sparse leg hair, and very long. I was laying here going around systematically with scissors trying to chop it off and put it in a garbage can. Someone was calling to me to get up and come in the other room but I was busy getting this leg hair off. finally I woke up and realized that in real life I had slept through about three alarms. This seldom happens. Have had low grade migraine all day. The hell kind of dream is that, brain? I expect better tonight.
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Re: Dreams

Post by Phoebe »

I have been reading Colette for the first time in my life - I saved it until now - and it has completely confused the dream landscape. Though Colette was very anti-feminist in her own day, she might be pro-woke-sex-positive-intersectional-feminism today, and either way she is a very pro-woman writer in the sense that she celebrates and champions women and gives them permission to (nay, demands that they!) exist in a fully creative and autonomous manner. So when you read it, your brain is like, oh yes, I should rampage through the realms of my own dreaming in a fully creative and autonomous manner! But others of us, like me the "judge" and "conscious" decider, are along for the ride with this brain and aren't sure about its plans. We were on a completely new planet with different weather, waterways, colors - it was a LOT to process - and in our strangely curved buildings we ate strange foods (large dark green-violet leafy things, but like a tamale). You could change the colors on the walls (and the HUGE round windowsills) of the dwelling by prodding them with your finger and then selecting from a colorwheel menu. The kitchen was a vast central hearth with a built in writing area and plants growing around the upper part of the walls. An assistant was gardening, another had just come in with groceries and things - apparently I had a small army of assistants.
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Re: Dreams

Post by Phoebe »

I hate it when I have dreams that involve fears about other people not being okay because the irrational brain is then convinced people are not okay, and the rational brain can try to talk the other part out of it, but it's a big struggle not even worth trying on some level. The trying just solidifies the idea that the irrational brain should even be allowed to speak!
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Re: Dreams

Post by Phoebe »

Fitful, minimal, nauseous sleep interrupted by bad dream that (1) I either have rabies or am being killed by a lingering subdural hematoma, plus light food poisoning; and (2) strange gray sedan car in driveway is inexplicably full of water, and it's not clear what to do next.
Reason has no purchase on this kind of thing bubbling up from dreams. I want to relax by turning on the tv but am now convinced I will perish from the mental strain of watching a screen, as opposed to, you know, typing words. Also I'm dying of rabies y'all. I had to fetch up a stuffed llama to sleep with. What else can I do? Have to be up working in 3.5 hrs. Bad.
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Re: Dreams

Post by Stan »

I was visiting a mixed neighborhood with a sizable marine cephalopod population. We weren't underwater. My aunt had moved there when she had remarried to a nice octopus. The rest of the dream was typical anxiety stuff. I walked around the neighborhood to get a feel for the place and got lost. I was worried about getting back in time to catch a flight. I might have been walking around to visit little free libraries but the dream is already hazy.
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Re: Dreams

Post by Phoebe »

Imagine the little free libraries an octopus would have!
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Re: Dreams

Post by bralbovsky »

heading to a treacherously located winter resort, for unknown purposes, numerous improbable snowy driving events and terrain...am asked by a familiar coworker to borrow my phone or laptop, but the phone has some weird operating system that simply won't respond to my increasingly frustrated attempts to reorganize it.
second transportation heavy dream in two days...normally I remember nothing. This one had me navigating a functionally invisible or semi solid bus through a medical center and weird neighborhoods in order to place some kids in appropriate foster care. Bus driver is upset when I return because I seem to have lost his knitting project en-route. He was painting or remodeling something and loaned me the bus so he could double dip.
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Re: Dreams

Post by Stan »

I woke up at 4 couldn't decide whether to get up or try to sleep more. Eventually fell back to sleep big mistake. First really bad dream in years.

I was a middle aged woman moving to a small town to escape her former life. I wasn't surprised that the cheap house was still full of crap. I was surprised that the family who sold it to me was still there and expected to keep living there. The local law was useless as laws mean nothing if those enforcing them chose to ignore them - I was the only outsider in an insulated community. People did super creepy gross things that I've largely forgotten and which I will not describe for everyone's sanity. I thought fuck it and tried to leave town and my convertible was hit be a hail storm big enough to leave baseball sized divots on the hood. Then my car was hit by bullets where a bunch of cops were chasing down fugitives. With my car nearly destroyed, I wound up walking back into town.
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Re: Dreams

Post by Phoebe »

Lol I know it's a bad dream but that was a doozy!
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Re: Dreams

Post by Phoebe »

I had a terrible dream that I had to stab someone to death in self-defense, possibly a woman? It was awful. Usually in dreams you don't have to do the actual deeds like this or it's somehow in haze, covered up. But I had to stab her and it was with what we might call an "improvised weapon" in RPGs, I want to say a piece of metal from a car, like there was a car crash and maybe that was her attempt to kill me, and when she came to finish the job dragging me from the car with my ears ringing, I had to grab this ready-to-hand shard of metal and finish her. HORRORS. Not good. I am peaceful, I don't generally fight. I don't think you can really know what you're capable of doing in certain situations if you haven't lived it but I worry I would fight someone who attacked me and I'm not sure it is right.
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Re: Dreams

Post by Stan »

That's sounds horrific. But defending yourself is ok.
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Re: Dreams

Post by Phoebe »

Stan wrote: Sun Aug 22, 2021 7:29 pm That's sounds horrific. But defending yourself is ok.
Who can understand the brain? Next this is what it gave us: I was somehow forced to participate in a competition of... Butts. Yes, I was forced to enter a butt competition in the sense that the butts were being evaluated for their overall beauty. It was not a pornographic competition or to be frank was not exciting in any way, yet we had to wear like a swimsuit or whatever the hell, had to somehow see the butt. The best part of this is that I had to do it because of my job. In the dream, but it was the same job I have normally which normally doesn't involve a butt competition. I could not believe they were making us do this and I was so disgusted (insert me being disgusted about various other aspects of going to the office - is this really such a transparent substitute? That my mind has decided office life is on the level of a butt beauty contest? Probably.) Anyway, the whole dream was about me being present at the butt competition and getting ready to participate and complaining about how stupid it was to anybody who was present, although at the same time I expected to win and that was just a given.
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Re: Dreams

Post by Kyle »

So I'm sleeping with a boot on my foot which means that I'm sleeping poorly and remembering a lot of weird dreams.

Last night I dreamed that I was tasked with working out the legalities of the marital rights to a sentient airplane. Apparently it was one of the first self-aware, sentient AIs and was put into a plane before they decided there were moral problems with creating AI. The AI fell in love with his pilot, but then she retired and they grew apart as they were distant from each other. The were common law married and I needed to figure out the legal status of their marriage and how to dissolve it.

Also, I was very sad for both the plane and the pilot. It was a sad dream.
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Re: Dreams

Post by Phoebe »

That is a sad dream! But also beautiful in a way, and reminds me of an important story about trucks for another thread.

I came here to report a minor miracle. For the very first time, finally, at long last, after much waiting and hoping, dream life has properly rewarded my life choices!

I was a single mother with two older kids in college and one still dependent upon me for food, so I guess this is at least a little ways into the future. Also, I had moved to KOREA. Yep.
I had no job so was applying to be a chauffeur. Jobs were scarce and competition fierce! I did not know the area very well, having only recently moved to KOREA.
Nevertheless, I was acing that driving competition because it wasn't just about knowing the local byways, but was about driving fast and effectively so that e.g. the person in the back of your luxury car would not spill a drink on themselves yet could escape the paparazzi. You can see where this is going, right?

I WON the competition and was now part of a pool of a dozen drivers hired by a large entertainment company in Seoul. The question was, whose driver would I become? Oh reader, you know the answer! You know already! We had to drive people around, not knowing exactly who they were, so they could select from among us which person would be their driver. But since my son wasn't in school that day, he was in the front seat with me and I did as I normally do in life, and made as many bad puns as I could possibly think of! Since we were in Korea now and I have the elementals of the language started, I was making puns in both English and Korean.

My supervisor scolded me, when I returned, for having made all these terrible, awful jokes! Nobody likes puns, he screamed! But just at that moment, a group entered the room - among them, yes, KIM SEOK-JIN. He came right up to me with his usual bemused expression. IS THIS THE ONE? he asked his companions? THE DRIVER WHO MADE ALL THE PUNS? Yes, by God, it was me! THIS ONE! THIS ONE WILL BE MY DRIVER FROM NOW ON! Said that angel, that soft yet powerful alpaca made into a human with a golden voice! I was to be his driver... because of the puns.

The rest of the dream, yes, was me driving Jin around making puns and he was shrieking with laughter, crying with laughter the whole time. Sometimes he would contribute his own puns. We made jokes about every road sign, every song on the radio, everything. They were all absolutely terrible, absolutely hilarious jokes. Sometimes he would kind of punch me in the arm because the joke was that funny. This was in fact better than any prurient sort of contact, any prurient sort of dream.

THANK YOU BRAINS! They found a way! They struggled with the situation and found a reasonable explanation for me to hang out with JIN all day long having the best possible time, that did not involve the impossible problem of explaining why this celestial being half my age would be in physical proximity to my person. PLEASE LET THIS DREAM REPEAT OFTEN.
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Re: Dreams

Post by Stan »

That's beautiful.
Maybe next dream, BTS will have their limo break down and Jin will offer to give them a rid.
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Re: Dreams

Post by Phoebe »

I like the way you think but we have to be very cautious here. We are training very delicate parts of the brain that we don't understand. For all we know, once all the members of BTS are there we're going to have to go to the United Nations or there's going to be some kind of missile crisis. I can't be dealing with things like this.

Instead it will be that, while we are stopped at a traffic light, Zo In-Sung leaps into the passenger seat, his face bleeding, on the run from the petty criminals of his neighborhood from whom he has swindled two million won. Realizing that the gang won't be able to follow us into the heavily secured grounds of Jin's high rise building along the Han river, we race that limo straight back there like we stole it. Jin swiftly heads up in the elevator to report this scary incident - saranghaeyo, Jin, but oppa here is a decade older than you and that's just how it has to be - while we take the stairs to the small apartment they keep me in near the parking garage. I have a first aid kit for this nasty cut on his forehead, but even so, it's okay because In-Sung's face will not be especially important for what we need to do. He smells faintly of mint, charcoal, sweat, and coffee grounds.
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Re: Dreams

Post by Stan »

That's ... rather detailed in some ways.
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Re: Dreams

Post by Kyle »

I had a dream last night that my car went off a bridge into a lake. It filled up with water and I couldn’t get my seat belt off. I realized I was going to die. I was panicked and terrified as I tried to escape, but when I realized the end was actually here, I got real calm and thought, “It was a great life.” I woke up as I was inhaling water in the dream. I was content and happy.
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Re: Dreams

Post by Phoebe »

Stan wrote: Wed Oct 20, 2021 6:06 pm That's ... rather detailed in some ways.
Watching this repeatedly is what caused the dream, so we have to be very specific with this brain about what we want to see happen. Trust the process, it's a good process.

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Re: Dreams

Post by Phoebe »

Kyle wrote: Wed Oct 20, 2021 7:18 pm I had a dream last night that my car went off a bridge into a lake. It filled up with water and I couldn’t get my seat belt off. I realized I was going to die. I was panicked and terrified as I tried to escape, but when I realized the end was actually here, I got real calm and thought, “It was a great life.” I woke up as I was inhaling water in the dream. I was content and happy.
It sounds awful but maybe it's a good dream because it demonstrates to you that you have lived a happy life and are pleased with it. What else is left? Just needing dreams that achieve this feeling without going into the lake.
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Re: Dreams

Post by Kyle »

Phoebe wrote: Thu Oct 21, 2021 12:01 am
Kyle wrote: Wed Oct 20, 2021 7:18 pm I had a dream last night that my car went off a bridge into a lake. It filled up with water and I couldn’t get my seat belt off. I realized I was going to die. I was panicked and terrified as I tried to escape, but when I realized the end was actually here, I got real calm and thought, “It was a great life.” I woke up as I was inhaling water in the dream. I was content and happy.
It sounds awful but maybe it's a good dream because it demonstrates to you that you have lived a happy life and are pleased with it. What else is left? Just needing dreams that achieve this feeling without going into the lake.
I mean, I guess if I think about it in a non-life-threatening situation, I’d come to the same conclusion. But it’s just not something that occurs to me until I realize I’m moments away from death.
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Re: Dreams

Post by Mando »

Kyle wrote: Wed Oct 20, 2021 7:18 pm I had a dream last night that my car went off a bridge into a lake. It filled up with water and I couldn’t get my seat belt off. I realized I was going to die. I was panicked and terrified as I tried to escape, but when I realized the end was actually here, I got real calm and thought, “It was a great life.” I woke up as I was inhaling water in the dream. I was content and happy.
Okay, fine, but no matter how much you are tempted DO NOT GO INTO THE LIGHT.

Also, if you use a CPAP you might want to see if you are overdue for a sleep study (every 5 years) because outside stimuli does have an effect on dreams.
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Re: Dreams

Post by Mando »

I dreamed about work because I worked 14 hours yesterday and got 5.5 hours of sleep with the anticipation of having to work long hours again today.

I DO enjoy my work though.
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Re: Dreams

Post by Kyle »

Mando wrote: Thu Oct 21, 2021 7:49 amAlso, if you use a CPAP you might want to see if you are overdue for a sleep study (every 5 years) because outside stimuli does have an effect on dreams.
Nah- I sleep like a baby. My fitness tracker monitors it and my blood oxygen and it's not an issue.
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Re: Dreams

Post by DMDarcs »

I don't remember too many of the details, but the dream kept me up somewhat horrified afterwards. I was in some sort of retail store, similar to one I have dreamt of in the past, but different. The layout was something similar to what you might see in a pawn shop - everything is behind glass counters that run the perimeter of the three inner walls. There is a definite gamer/comic book store into what is on display, but combined with visuals and smell of the back of a Spencer's Gift store - not necessarily the dirties bits, but definitely some of the naughtier things you don't want in the front mall hallway. People are coming in and out, some of whom are acting like normal shoppers, others who are very energetic, and a third set who seem completely mindless and oblivious to what is happening. There are a lot of blacklight posters hung on the walls, all depicting Lovecraftian horrors of some sort or another. I am searching for the text on the posters. Most of the text, I somehow realize, is Dutch with all of the vowels removed, although the word "pez" is hidden in most of the pictures. I feel, I think to myself, like I am searching for the fnords. As soon as that thought enters my head, the scene shifts. I am strapped down to a chair, unable to move. I think there is a helmet attached to the chair and securing my head. There is definitely a hypnotic swirl being displayed on the wall opposite me. I have the sensation that I am an in elevator or a large metal box that is descending. There is a message blaring over a loudspeaker, which I don't remember, other than the phrase "iteration 36". I realize that this scenario has played out before, but don 't remember any of what happened, other than that I must have heard this speech before, and that is the 36th time that it has happened. There's a lot of blurring of what happens next. I see the face of a guy from the meme - I don't know the name of the meme, but it's an older gentlement that looks like he's about to cry - only he is smiling wide with cartoonishly large teeth a la Cricket from Big City Greens and googly eyes. The box is descending further, I see the hypnotic spiral, there are images of myself gonig up to the cashier in the store asking for something, images of the blacklight posters, and again just the ending snippet of the speech. This time it ends "iteration 116". That's when I wake up.

It took me awhile to get back to sleep. I wouldn't say that it was a nightmare, but I definitely woke unsettled. This must be the exact feeling when someeone tries to enter the Illuminati, has done all their research, completes the necessary ritual - and then finds out that tne ritual was just a beginning to something deeper and sinister, and they've just bee hit with the sudden burst of knowledge they receive after trying to figure out what happened with only memories that they've gone on some sort of metaphysical trip created with psychotropic drugs and occult magickings.
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Re: Dreams

Post by Phoebe »

Holy crap you need to lock all the doors tonight and maybe glue a tiny tracking device into a hidden fold of your ear.

My only recent dreams involve my new life as an architect in Malaysia, which is only happening because I fall asleep watching this horrifying show that has taken over my mind like I am some kind of pod person or zombie.
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Re: Dreams

Post by poorpete »

Have had a slew of anxiety dreams the last few days that I remembered afterwards.

One featured a tornado -- for obvious news reasons -- that'd I'd prefer not to become recurring (have had watching-a-plane-crash dreams regularly since 9/11, though it's become less in recent years) . Also had few COVID/mask/personal-space dreams I vaguely remember, probably mostly thanks to Omicron and the next week and half of mandatory socializing.

Last night was a first: I had a dream I was pregnant!

I was about four to five months in I think. I was a bit worried that my recent weight loss was negatively affecting the fetus.
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Re: Dreams

Post by Phoebe »

Wow, I wonder how common it is for those who normally cannot get pregnant to have such a dream? I've had that dream but it's less surprising, given that it was part of the lived experience. Maybe you're trying to create something else? Oh it's an outdoor hot tub?
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Re: Dreams

Post by Eliahad »

I was at an art museum with some friends, and there was this cool painting I wanted to show them so I took it off the wall to show them. They said "cool," and I put it back up on the wall. No big deal. Until the security guard comes around the corner and says, "You shouldn't have done that.". And dream me was thinking, ok, but, it wasn't even bolted down, just a nail on the wall. Pretty crappy security system there. Guard then notices I am not wearing shoes. I also notice this for the first time, but I happen to know where they are. " Oh, they're in the Wii exhibit," I say. You can come with and I'll put them on.". Great, we head down the stairwell, friends follow behind, bemused. Cut to us being in the lobby with so many people and the guard realizing that we're the crew of a spaceship and we're wanted across the system and spouting off on all the crimes that we were guilty of, which were all ridiculous except for mine because, according to dream security guard I had raped somebody to which I shriek, "What?!" Humoursly turning to my compatriots to tell them I had a lot of treble in that shriek. Guard doesn't find this funny and the dream ends with a gun pointed in my face and said guard telling me they're going to end me because I shouldn't be given the opportunity to get away.
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Re: Dreams

Post by Kyle »

I dreamed I was somewhere with a bunch of people, including Mike and Tahlvin (even though I'm not sure what Tahlvin really looks like other than occasional FB pictures- in the dream he looked like Keith from Try Guys, but older and with glasses). Anyhow, we're all in a public library and Mike and Tahlvin and I are talking and Tahlvin reveals that he's married to Sheri Moon Zombie, and they're having problems in their marriage because she's really into horror movies and he doesn't like them. So I say, "Well have you tried watching horror movies? I can suggest some low key beginner..." But then he interrupts me with a real Helmet Head moment and says, "Have I tried watching horror movies?!? That's the first thing I tried!!!" And I then shut up and felt like a real asshole. Mike clearly thought I was a real asshole too from the look on his face.
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Re: Dreams

Post by Mike »

Such an asshole.
Any time the solution is "banjo rifle", I'm in 100%.
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Re: Dreams

Post by Phoebe »

Lolllll these dreams are hilarious.
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Re: Dreams

Post by Phoebe »

I drank a very large banana smoothie. This was the first mistake because that thing pretends to be healthy but ain't.

Then I laid down upon the couch, freezing cold under my woolen afghan, trying to pacify the dogs who wanted me to sit up and pet each one of them more than the other dog.

I thought I was still petting these dogs when I realized I had fallen asleep and woken up in a hotel room. I was on a trip with my parents, not off in some dreamland where people sleep on couches with pet dogs. In fact my dad was sleeping on a couch in the hotel room while my mom and I occupied one of the two beds. Why wasn't Dad sleeping on the other bed?
Because there was something nasty on the coverlet, and we were having an argument about whether he should sleep in the bed, with the obvious answer being no. Dad agreed with me but strangely my mom, the very person who taught me to always instantly remove that nasty coverlet from a hotel bed and roll it up and throw it in the top of the closet, was the one trying to argue that nothing mattered anymore and that we might as well just go ahead and use the dirty coverlet because covid here and covid there and people were assholes and Dad would just take a shower in the morning.

You're not my mother, I said. But she was, so I can't explain it. We then decided to drive cross-country home from Cape Cod, and I fell asleep in the car in mid-Ohio.

Except I wasn't really asleep in a car! As you know, I was sleeping somewhere else: a seat in an airplane! I was an old lady, like a really old lady. Not too old to travel but old enough that I was meeting someone at the gate who was going to help me. I was traveling back to my college so that I could see it one more time before I died! Next to me on the plane was a younger person not yet in college but thinking about it. I discussed some of these things with them and then shed a tear I tried to hide so they would not see how meaningful our conversation had actually been to me, and how coincidental it seemed on this particular occasion.

Was traumatized to discover my hair had become short and wavy, but I was significantly thinner so maybe that's in the future. I was ready to disembark the plane when I discovered it was not in fact early morning but was middle evening and I had slept completely through a 3-hour period including dinner.
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Re: Dreams

Post by Phoebe »

Vivid, multi scene dreams of having another BABY. This coincided with the death of a grandma already long since passed on. Featured lots with carseat, reconciliation with various family members lost to Fox news.

Update: I mentioned this to my kid and he was like, well, what did you name the baby? And strangely we DID name the baby in this dream, and we named her... HILDEGARD. ?!#$ $)^UW${P W?$(^@##%&*


But since my Grandma had passed on just at that time, we then decided to make Hildegard the Middle name with my Grandma's name the first name. Weird things. I am stressed out - don't even have a reason, just baseline STRESSED OUT for all the reasons and kind of shaky about it. I feel like there is a microwave popcorn going off in my brains at all times and each kernel is something pressing, stressful, and most likely that I feel like I'm failing at and disappointing the World, generally.
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Re: Dreams

Post by Phoebe »

Have been experiencing that trouble again with dreams that raise doubt about whether you're actually dreaming or awake. Terrible experience yesterday where I fell asleep right after supper, experienced a whole series of these dreams, and then popped awake fully in the wee hours having slept the full complement of sleep. I went back to sleep from like 5:00 to 6:00 and it was more of the same, but this time I dreamed that I had to drive to a hotel for a work trip a couple hours away, and had all the conversations one would expect to have with people at this work event. Then two kids showed up at my door who were in like mid 20s, and explain that they and their party had recently had a drunken mayhem in that very hotel room and there were certain things I should be looking out for and they felt guilty so needed to warn me. What that was all about I have no idea. We went to a Mexican restaurant and sat on the patio because those were the only places we could get seats, and they were sending out random members of the staff who were not waiters to be our waiters because they were so overwhelmed by customers. We sat under a tree and our table was jammed in right next to another family with small girls. We all had detailed conversations. There was no evidence whatsoever these were not real. The waking Life seems less real in many respects.
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Re: Dreams

Post by Phoebe »

This is still f****** with me hours later because I can't remember whether I did and said things on a zoom meeting or not. I pray that the answer is no despite my vivid and extremely realistic memories of having done this and then regretted it due to the likelihood that I was falling asleep while on the call. I really was in a zoom meeting and I really did log out of it because I was falling asleep; the question is how far I got into bad behavior that could have been overheard before that happened.
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Re: Dreams

Post by Phoebe »

Dreamed that I had four dogs, multiple cats and rabbits, and had to move all of them to a new temporary apartment. They kept getting loose in the process and there was chaos. All of this indicates that something was going awry in real life with animals in the house during the night!
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Re: Dreams

Post by Phoebe »

Another dream I chalk up to hormones and menopause:
Dreamed I was pregnant. Surprised but, hey, cool with it!
I then went to the OB who seemed concerned about my lack of weight gain. They ordered an immediate ultrasound to check on the development.
I was like, what? I'm fine - look, my belly has become so big already! But then I questioned this: was it in fact like other pregnancies? In others, you're as big as a barn and waddling. But now... You just seem to be fat. That's not a baby, that's just fat.
But there had been a baby, which indicated that something had gone wrong because I was not large enough for that stage of pregnancy.
At that point I became really scared and sad about something going wrong with the pregnancy and not being able to have this other child that I had reconciled myself to having.
I am not aware of any conscious desire to have any other children, apart from the general good feeling about the ones I've got, so either there is some lurking desire to have more of them, being complicated by the disappearing ability to do so, or this is some kind of weird consequence of actually losing the ability to do so and having the hormones in your body change. Maybe for evolutionary reasons the body grieves this, I don't know. Maybe this is supposed to motivate me to go out and have that one more kid. I can't even deal with the number of cats in this house.
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Re: Dreams

Post by Mando »

Technically not a dream unleass it's a daydream...ish...

Last week a couple of times I thought "I should call my uncle" His wife passed last year and his grandson took his life in their basement 3 months later. He (my uncle) has/had kidney cancer. He passed away last night. I didn't make the call. :(
"Yay! I'm for the other team."
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Re: Dreams

Post by Phoebe »

Oh, I'm sorry, poor guy. Those weird connected feelings happen too - it seems like there should be some reason for it we could in theory figure out? Yet it's so real when that happens.
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Re: Dreams

Post by Phoebe »

OCD fantasia last night:
I dreamed my husband bought me a surprise gift I had never seen before for Christmas:
A *house*!
I did not want to give up my current house, at all!
It was a most unwelcome gift!
The new house was enormous and had at one time, about 1962, been fabulous. It had not been updated since then.
But here's the best part: each room represented its own strange kind of OCD fear!
We began the tour of the rooftop, which had no guardrailings but did have a kind of tiki bar and the idea was we were supposed to have parties up there, on the exposed rooftop!
We descended to a kitchen that was covered in old linoleum and dark cabinets with evident mouse holes here and there, and bugs were visibly running across the ceiling. I had picked up a broom to see if I could help the situation a bit while we were there and so the broom was my only weapon with which to destroy these enemies. For smashing, twas inadequate!
In the kitchen were other women I did not know. They were staff who intended to be retained as cooks and house cleaners! They did not want me to come in there and do my own cooking! They pretended Oblivion to the insect issue.
Further descent took us to rooms that had various kinds of problem and a handyman who also intended to remain on the staff and live in the basement!
None of the rooms was adequate to being a normal bedroom or office.
I couldn't find any bathrooms - perhaps there was just one, which would require me to share!
On the ground floor was a large meeting area that looked promising as a potential living space, but there was a group of neighbors playing bingo or keno or something at these tables, which we'e taking the place of normal furnishings. Turns out they had regular daily meetings in this space and had some kind of permanent easement from the previous property owners that provided them the ability to continue doing so!
At last I turned to my husband and said, why did you buy this house?
The rooftop party space obviously, he replied, but you must have been too scared of walking up to the edge of the roof to see the real attraction: I bought it for *you* specifically because it has a pool and you said you always wanted a swimming pool! He was really pleased with himself and I felt bad that I didn't like the house. I decided I should at least go out to see this pool. It was black. The whole thing was painted black.

At that point I think my brain took some kind of pity on itself and decided it had done too much and had to solve the damage. I broke down crying and it turned out we were still able to get out of the deal with minimal financial penalty and continue to live in our normal house.
This solution came at a new price: climate change was causing strange storms that began with snow but turned quickly into torrential flooding. These floods knocked out all the electricity and so somehow I found myself having to drive home in total darkness and none of the other cars headlights would work, for reasons unknown. It was like a very exciting video game where you can't see any of the other cars but have to avoid hitting them, and meanwhile all of you are rushing to get away from a torrential flood of water that is going to wipe all of you off the road if you don't hurry. It was great.
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Re: Dreams

Post by Phoebe »

Restless early morning dream about waking up and trying to make pigs in a blanket with pancakes and little turkey sausages. Distress: where are the little sausages? In the dream I'm trying to teach my kid how to make pigs in a blanket and you can't do it without the little piggies, even if they are pigs made of turkey. Disturbing discovery: while unloading the car and rearranging things in the garage, I had accidentally left the package of little sausages out in the garage. Had it been cold enough to keep them frozen, or at least safely cool all night? I did not know! I did not want to poison us with bad sausages. The pancakes were already done! What now?

Woke up with slight relief, pancake crisis averted, sausages safe. A pleasant day passes, and while cooking dinner tonight, I realize the package of butter I had bought at the store must have been left in the car because it wasn't brought in to the fridge. I went out to retrieve it... In the garage, there I see... The package of turkey sausages!!! They had become soft despite the cold weather. Soft! Definitely potentially poisonous! Bitter ending not a dream after all! So sad. The good news is the butter is fine. Is it just a light dementia or Alzheimer's or some other variety? Who can say! Apparently the brain understood exactly what was wrong and what it had done, but could only communicate this to itself through dream. Or maybe the ancient mysteries are correct and the liver understood what was happening and the brain was the stupid one.
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Re: Dreams

Post by Phoebe »

I lived on a sparsely populated island in the outer realms of Scotland or Ireland or something like that. The only thing they had was sheep. My job, for money, was to test the various sweatery garments and blankets made from the sheep. I was obligated to put on a warm sweater and snuggle under a warm blanket and then experiment with different kinds of activities like reading or watching TV or knitting or what not to make sure that the sweater and blanket were perfectly comfortable. Lol sometimes the brain really comes through in a big way.
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Re: Dreams

Post by Mike »

Phoebe wrote: Wed Jan 11, 2023 9:08 am I lived on a sparsely populated island in the outer realms of Scotland or Ireland or something like that. The only thing they had was sheep. My job, for money, was to test the various sweatery garments and blankets made from the sheep. I was obligated to put on a warm sweater and snuggle under a warm blanket and then experiment with different kinds of activities like reading or watching TV or knitting or what not to make sure that the sweater and blanket were perfectly comfortable. Lol sometimes the brain really comes through in a big way.
Why was this not posted under Yesterday was Awesome?
Any time the solution is "banjo rifle", I'm in 100%.
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Re: Dreams

Post by Phoebe »

It could have been for sure, but the daytime hours were not going so well. Hopefully today we have a reversal of that pattern, because I dreamed that we were all on a vacation and the kids were somewhat younger and our youngest was left behind somewhere. This was not my idea! While I was doing something else they took him to some sort of touristy hotel or whatever, and he liked it so they just decided to let him stay all night, by himself! I get this doesn't make a lot of rational sense on any level, but I was utterly enraged and doing that thing where you try to kick and punch things in your sleep - in the dream it was the type of old fashioned wooden fence they have in parks. I was totally ineffective and somehow it was necessary to express my rage by destroying the fence or else I wasn't going to be getting the kid back. I was on the speaker phone with my husband who was trying to pick up the kid and I was demanding updates. I was completely terrified they would go there and he would be gone, kidnapped, or CPS would have come to pick him up or something. I could feel the terror and anger just surging through my body everywhere - It was an awful sensation. Eventually they got on the line and said he was with them again.

It was such a visceral experience, I wonder if it can be caused by things like taking your hormone pill before bed? Also facing the novel situation of having an extremely angry and hostile cat sleeping on top of us at night now. For some reason she has finally decided she likes me best. It's a miracle. But the cat gets really pissed off and will fight and do things in the night, like with the dogs. Could have prompted this reaction in dreamland.
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Re: Dreams

Post by Phoebe »

Dreaming that I keep doing Google flight searches for an airline reservation I need to make, and the price keeps going up every time I search, So I'm trying to outwit the engine by searching for all kinds of different things and then circling back around to the flights I like best. The numbers are going up and up and I'm clicking here and there, increasingly frustrated. What kind of BS recurring dream is that? It's kind of like dreaming that you have to go into a wet changing room or that you see the tornado coming on the horizon, except more petty and direct. Less of that sweeping, epic feel of primal fear, and more of the day to day annoyance. It's like a dream of late capitalism buoyed by its technologically advanced tentacles that will manage to suck out all of your resources no matter how carefully you have planned.
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Re: Dreams

Post by Kyle »

I dreamed I was an action hero (just like in an action movie, but it wasn't a movie) and my family vacation at a water park was interrupted by terrorists who we (apparently my family are decent action heroes too) had to chase through the park and the rides. We were also chased. In the end my 21 year old son was caught with shrapnel that pierced his heart when a giant exhaust fan exploded. And I brought him back to life by doing that thing where I shout at him that he can't quit. DON'T YOU QUIT ON ME! And then I sang "You're the Inspiration" by Chicago and he started breathing again. As he gasped for breath and I realized he'd be fine (because he's an action hero), I woke up.

Such a great dream.
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Re: Dreams

Post by Phoebe »

Oh my, I think it would be too much scary for me but if you saved him in the end I guess that's what counts!

I have this permanent headache that travels even into sleep and I'm having terrible dreams lately. Last night I dreamed that I was at work and everybody there was super unhappy with what I was doing. The clientele, specifically. I've never experienced this in any significant way so having people enraged and complaining about me and trying to take me aside and explain why I was such a disaster and failure at helping them... It was truly awful!
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Re: Dreams

Post by Phoebe »

In a nutshell, I stopped taking the antidepressant a little while ago at doctors advice - I am so well, why not try? Her idea. But she is solving my sleep problems and thus, I sleep.

Dreams alas have been poor lately and a new low point has been achieved:
I dreamed my grandpa was alive and married to some fifth wife or something. I suspected fifth wife of killing the fourth wife. Clues were adding up. But I was visiting grandpa's house with my kid, who accidentally let slip one of the things we were thinking about looking at further for evidence. I was sure fifth wife realized our suspicions, so we left in a hurry with the item (a small rug).

As we were walking home, the rug stashed in my bag, my grandpa and the fifth wife came hurrying up behind us. He seemed confused but when they drew near, I understood his success as a military guy. He coldly donned a pair of plastic gloves, drew his pistol, and confidently strode towards us.

I knew in a terrible, heartbreaking instant, as he drew up his arm and steadied aim with the other hand: he will kill my kid and then me if I don't hand it over. I handed it over immediately. Thank you, he said, sorry about that.

I see it had to be done, I replied. He responded by trying to give me all the cash in his wallet. I hugged him instead and said I would always love him even if this is how he was. But why did he have to kill that innocent fourth wife? She wasn't innocent, he said flatly.

Boom, I "awoke" to find myself in the car. I dozed off sitting there outside the hotel. Dumb. I'm so glad my grandpa isn't really prepared to shoot me! I arranged my dress and went inside to the fancy event, an alumni reunion. Many familiar faces and all going well until... Uh-oh. The guy I dumped because he was a neonazi is here. (True story except for the dating and dumping did not occur irl.) He is mad. I struggle to recall his name. I finally do. He wants me back. He's still a nazi. For some reason, I agree to take him back! Nooooooooooooooo my mind screams, wtf is this, I never even dated this guy, wtffffff and Awake! Joy.
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