Robert Picardo

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Robert Picardo

Post by Phoebe »

I don't know how many of you are already aware of this set of videos being posted by the doctor from Voyager, because apparently it's been going on for the better part of the pandemic year. Maybe I was told and forgot because I'm losing brain function, I don't know. For whatever reason I came across this and had to watch pretty much all of them, and this one in particular made me laugh so hard that I nearly expired from the lack of oxygen and tears and snot rolled down my face.

I feel like if you did not watch most of the other Alfonso videos prior to this you would not appreciate it at that level, but you also might not want to appreciate it on that level. For health reasons. Safety reasons. Luckily there are other characters if you do not find Alfonso amusing, as well as other choice highlights.

I've decided to join my life to this Alfonso person's for the indefinite future, or at least as long as he continues to upload videos. I feel like he would be an excellent boyfriend. Although Tim Sweeney is extremely physically attractive, he's probably being corrupted by his fame and dollars in a manner that would be unpleasant to me, and he's probably too young and confused to appreciate a woman of my vintage and qualities. He should give his gifts to someone who can appreciate them better; I simply want a slab of frozen fish and some berries, and freedom from being troubled by the normal rhythms of socialized humanity. I went out into the world today and encountered people with whom I was previously acquainted; we spoke for about 15 minutes. This was 14 minutes too much even though these were both extremely nice people. Talking to people is exhausting. This quarantine thing has put the lie to any pretense of normal functioning. However, I'm still hoping to drink a bottle of wine soon and in fact this video is Exactly what it will look like: the last drink in the bottle always a sad moment, but one that confers the fortune-telling powers:

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