Get ready to march.

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Get ready to march.

Post by Kyle »

If you're pro choice, this is the time to get out and do something about it. This is awful and such a step backwards for the recognition of woman's equality and rights.

March. Protest. Do something.
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Re: Get ready to march.

Post by Kyle »

I'm not fucking around. Who's willing to protest? Who's willing to march?

You can't sit at home and just post on Facebook or text your friends about this. YOU NEED TO DO SOMETHING.

Who's doing something?
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Re: Get ready to march.

Post by Tahlvin »

We're deciding. Monetary donations, both to organizations on the ground helping women in need and to pro-choice politicians, will likely be forthcoming.
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Re: Get ready to march.

Post by Phoebe »

Right now for me it's giving money to candidates and making phone calls for the good ones. Races here that have an impact on this have been decided by a couple hundred votes or even less in some cases. My body objects to making a trip across the room so it won't be marching anywhere, alas, but there is a lot of get out the vote work that can be done on the phone, helping people that we would like to be voting. I'm scared for my kids to have to live in that world because I heard so many vivid details about it from my elders.
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Re: Get ready to march.

Post by Mando »

I guess this is where I say "Yay! I'm for the other team."

This is not written to anyone in's just my rhetorical questions to which I already have my own answers
Yes, I do donate money to our two pregnancy resource centers.
I will not be engaging on this topic or even this thread further.

There is nothing progressive or tolerant about taking another life.

We need a real discussion about when life starts, not whose body is it in, not who can afford it, not whether or not it has a soul.

When does life start, not when is it viable.

If an unborn child is indeed alive, then does the inalienable right of "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" belong to them too?

If an unborn child is killed in a car accident does the law not hold that loss of life to be real in the form of the number of vehicular homicide counts?

Does the child deserve to be protected by the laws of this country, or is it only the wanted ones that have that privilege?

Does the child have no right to its own life and to breathe the same air as all other children on the planet? What makes them so detestable that they
should die? Or are they too inconvenient for peoples' lifestyles.

Who will speak for those with no voice?

Forget the politics...what would it take make YOU care more about the plight of the unborn?
"Yay! I'm for the other team."
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Re: Get ready to march.

Post by Kyle »

We disagree. And I find it cowardly when people say "I'm going to post this and not respond." You say you want a discussion and then you walk away. You're a hypocrite.
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Re: Get ready to march.

Post by Phoebe »

I just can't see the political aspect of this issue as in any way related to the ethical aspect. Maybe there are some politicians for whom the two come together meaningfully, but in most cases I don't think so. The abortion rate actually was dropping for a while, which could have had some connection to the decreasing accessibility of abortion in many states, but I would think the availability of cheap and easily used birth control pills offsets those concerns in many cases early in the pregnancy. Making physical access more difficult just tends to hurt the people who have more serious problems with the pregnancy, or don't find out about them until later.
Abortions will go on if states make it illegal, so I struggle to see how moral concerns about saving babies are relevant to the issue of legality. Making it illegal just means more people will suffer and some will even die needlessly. Meanwhile, abortion will continue, and where I live, exactly the same people who want it to be illegal will ensure that it continues by working to eliminate medically and scientifically accurate sex and health education, working to limit the availability of contraception (and info about it), refusing health and nutrition benefits to even LEGAL immigrants (much less others), and doing other specific things to undermine women's economic stability. So they work at direct cross-purposes to their stated values of protecting life, and it makes no sense to me.
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Re: Get ready to march.

Post by bralbovsky »

I can barely be coherent about apologies.

This argument is fundamentally insoluble because the "two sides" are not even at the same table.

The anti Roe folks have zero consistency. Some of the people on this board may care about an actual zygote turning into a person, but mostly this is irrelevant. It's about tax dollars funding behaviors (very little evidence of the connection), and about control and intrusion in to half of the population's business.
The US military spends between 40 and 80 million dollars annually on viagra. Ya.
There is zero, literally zero, concern about these zygotes once they actually become children, with needs and schooling and futures....
This is the same demographic that supports executing people or throwing them into the prison industry, and opposes paying teachers anything substantial, especially if they work in poor or urban areas. So, once they're actually born, f**k those kids.

The pro Roe folks have so much they're afraid of, they've lost the thread on potential humans, and they're hobbled by shame.
Every fear, however, is grounded in fact.
Rape? Clearly the justice system doesn't give a shit.
Incest? See above.
Health of the mother? Apparently entirely subjective. Even though the US has the highest death rate in childbirth of any first world country. Must be a coincidence.

The top neuroscientist in the world can't explain consciousness, much less pinpoint when it appears. The seekers for the Dalai Lama don't begin their search for 47 days. Maybe that's a fair place to start. But, at its core, it's a very small slice of the discussion that really cares about viability or the individual at all. For my money, it's a personal, ethical, medical, religious decision. I'm willing to subsidize Aunt Tilly's new hip, apparently I don't get a choice about the corporal's viagra, so I don't see why I should (or Hobby Lobby should) get to violate HIPA just because I want to in special cases.
Make the world happy and safe for children, and people will have plenty of them.
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Re: Get ready to march.

Post by Phoebe »

Happy Mother's Day, on which I know that the world before reproductive freedom was a world of suffering and death for mothers.
I hope people celebrate this as a happy day, but the older I get The more I hate these greeting card holidays.
I had forgotten about it being mother's Day for a blessed few hours this morning, and when you remember, it turns into:
Women are now officially second class citizens in much of this country, and it has affected and will continue to affect my daughters and everybody's daughters. Mine had to make new assessments not about abortion per se, but other choices that should have been totally free or minimally affected by the government. Like what birth control is foolproof, because I know even if I want to have a baby I'm no longer living in a safe state to have that happen? Or should I go ahead and take the birth control that I don't want to take because it makes me sick? Or other things like this.
This particular day is punctuated by distaste for the idiocy of strangers leading groups who scheduled events I will have to attend, because it's important that they decide for me what I should do on mother's Day as opposed to being able to see my own mother, for instance. Who schedules any type of required attendance events for mother's Day?! Either let's not treat it like such a event or else let's stop bothering people.
But if I feel sorry for myself or even for my own mom, The brain is quick to dwell on the increasingly large number of moms close to me who have lost one or more of their own children, or who wanted but were never able to have their own children.
It's a day to avoid social media, because you don't want to see what half your friends are posting, and you don't want to inflict the same harm on the other half of your friends. Ugh. There should just be a month in which the culture says please honor your mom at some point. Same for dads, etc.
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