Car Trash

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Car Trash

Post by Phoebe »

In my household we all discovered that the greatest Christmas gift that can be given to people who drive a car is this newfangled kind of trash can that easily attaches to the back of a seat or console and has special design to accommodate a trash bag liner, to let cans and bottles go in but nothing fall back out again even if the unit would happen to be disrupted somehow.

Even though these things cost about 10 bucks is the greatest thing on earth and we are all having conflict now because we are trying to buy them for each other as a Christmas gift but since we all use the same computer system and have kids who don't understand the importance of discretion and sealed lips, it appears we have about three people buying this for the other three. We might have to start passing out extras to others. The important thing is that if you're looking for a great Christmas gift, spend $10 to $12 on Amazon or some better company that you would rather give your money to, and get one of these absolutely wonderful substitutes for the history of crappy trash cans in cars that don't work but are desperately needed.
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